Crazy? Angry? You decide and I couldn’t care less!

Unity or Slavery?

Can we just stop with the contrived calls for unity? I’m not saying this out of revenge, I’m saying it out of reality. First of all, we still have a disputed election which will be settled at some point but not today. Let’s say Biden gets his way. What are we supposed to unite in? The destruction of innocent human life? Immorality for all? Persecution of the Little Sisters of the Poor? Uh, no thanks. Christ was quite clear that unity under God is the only unity we should seek. Unity under anything else is, well, slavery. Sorry, I want to be free.

Do not imagine that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have come to bring a sword, not peace.  I have come to set a man at variance with his father, and the daughter with her mother, and the daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies will be the people of his own house. He is not worthy of me, that loves father or mother more; he is not worthy of me, that loves son or daughter more; he is not worthy of me, that does not take up his cross and follow me.  He who secures his own life will lose it; it is the man who loses his life for my sake that will secure it. Matthew 10: 34-39

The God-fearing side of the country didn’t expect to ever have unity and peace. They know the above verse well. They did what they always do: they worked to bring Christ’s light to the world and that’s what they will continue to do.

I can remember some of my well-meaning acquaintances championing the “Black lives matter!” sentiment, but they never stopped to look at what the God-fearing black community was saying. They were strongly trying to point out that the “Black Lives Matter” organization should be wholeheartedly rejected, since it was trying to do nothing more than enslave ALL of us. Why we would ever look to any secular group instead of Christians to solve a problem in a Godly way is beyond me. So, what did the squishy middle do? They voted for the secular soundbite because they were “good Christians.” Huh? Yeah, doesn’t really fly.

They do what weak men have done from day one of creation: they took the easy route. They took the route they felt would be the most advantageous for THEIR comfort. They really chose to ignore Christ when he said:

Do not put your trust in men; they will hand you over to courts of judgement, and scourge you in their synagogues; yes, and you will be brought before governors and kings on my account, so that you can bear witness before them, and before the Gentiles. Matt 10: 17-18

Nope, they fell right in line because they didn’t want to have their comfy lives touched. So much more peaceful and unifying to keep your mouths shut and not be brought up to HR or shamed by their friends. People said we have to vote for a guy because “Black lives matter!” or “No justice, no peace!” so we better do it. Congratulations! You can pick up your chains on your way out. You will eventually be eaten by the same people who told you this was the only way you could achieve peace. Scenes like this are happening all the time. This one is just the latest: (profanity alert)

Even worse, some people voted for the obvious evil guy – there’s no other way to describe someone who promised his entire campaign that he will see to it that babies will be ripped apart – because of what they thought he would give them. Yup, they’re takers. There’s a reason that the Church has condemned socialism. It’s evil and NOBODY will ever get anything for free unless it comes from Christ. No secular institution can replace God and his Church. Those of you who were too lazy to go take care of the poor yourselves, let me explain something to you: the secular world will only do that to enslave people.

So, if you voted for Joe Biden (and really, Kamala Harris), don’t expect me to unite under them. I will fight them every step of the way. I will not unite to rip apart innocent human beings. I will not unite to destroy our economy to create a third-world, socialist tyranny. I will not unite to further destroy marriage and the family. I will not unite to persecute people who dissent. I will not unite to create a further divide between the rich and the poor. I will not unite to treat children as property. (The list could go on and on…)

When you want to unite under God, let me know. I’d be more than happy to join you. I won’t promise you some fantasy of earthly peace and unity and that all will love and adore you. That’s the lie you’re being fed now to get you to fall into line. I can promise you the only hope we have, despite the fact that satan will always be working against us, is to bring the light of Christ to the world and make disciples of all nations – especially our own.

Remember this: 

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

– C.S. Lewis



120 thoughts on “Unity or Slavery?”

  1. You condemn Joe Biden, a good and decent man, and support Donald Trump, a cruel and vengeful pathological liar and vile reprobate who makes a complete mockery of everything that Christ taught and stood for. The Bible calls that hypocrisy.

    It is now being reported that Trump’s diabolical policy of ripping children from their parent’s arms at the southern border, many of them pre-schoolers, has resulted in more than 600 children that they are unable to reunite with their parents. Almost 200 children are missing and unaccounted for. Human rights organizations have described this vile policy as “government sanctioned child abuse.” These children will be psychologically damaged for life. People should go to jail for this, including Trump. If you are OK with this unconscionable policy you are not pro-life. You may be pro-birth, but you are not pro-life.

    This election is not in dispute. Joe Biden won fair and square. It was Trump who tried to steal the election by getting his lackey, Louis DeJoy, to gum up the works in the USPS to slow down the mail to make it more difficult to vote by mail in the middle of a pandemic. Trump and his lackeys also engaged in numerous voter suppression schemes. Trump is continuing to lie and claim that there was massive election fraud, when he is unable to produce a shred of evidence to support that claim.

    We dodged a bullet last week by electing Joe Biden as the next President of the United States of America. Trump was well on the way of taking this country down a dark and nightmarish path of an authoritarian dictatorship. Wake up! Trump has been attacking our democratic institutions and the Constitution since the day he took office. He is a white supremacist and a fascist. He is not a Christian, in fact, he is an enemy of the Gospel of Christ. If you are unable to see that, you are either in denial or under a strong delusion.

    After re-reading what you wrote, I sense that you have a lot of grievance and hate in your heart. Praying that the Lord of Hosts will open your eyes to see the truth.

    1. What is your basis to tell me Joe Biden is a good and decent man? Read my previous voting guide post. You’ll then see a long list of reasons that Trump topped Joe Biden even with the groups that childishly call me “pro-birth and not pro-life.” You have not provided one shred of evidence to back up you arguments. It’s all on your hopes and dreams which aren’t quite reality. And let’s jsut stop at the preeminent issue which is abortion. You can’t have civil rights if you can’t get out of the womb and you, apparently, were just fine with a man who thinks it’s dandy to partially deliver a baby all but the head, stab it in the back of the skull with a trochar and then inserts a catheter, sucks out the brain and collapses its skull. Sound awful? It is and you just voted for it. While I have zero hate for people, I do hate actions like this and I quite strongly condemn them but you just voted for it. If you don’t even know what a trochar is, please go research partial birth abortions before spouting off on how hateful I am.

      1. Congratulations on your best commentary to date, in my opinion.
        There’s no point debating with Dan here, his mind is gone, exactly as in the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers. He’s gone, he’s traded in his humanity and soul so he can be part of the winning team, so he thinks. We have a lot of zombies now. They have invaded the souls of our neighbors, co-workers, friends, and loved ones. They look the same, although there is a certain anxiety, defensiveness, or indications of hate, simmering under their surface. You disagree with them? You believe Donald Trump is a good man? You are to be not just disagreed with, YOU MUST BE CONFRONTED. They have full-throated encouragement from their masters, so here comes their grade six vitriol. You are not a fellow American to them, you are the enemy. They hate you. And me. After all “Silence is Violence”, the new mantra they have picked up from the Masters. They haven’t stopped to think how absurd that is, silence is silence, it is anything but violence, but all must salute the, come on, Nazi flag they have hoisted. When our own people in office threaten Americans that they are going “on a list” for persecution or worse, has Dan considered the historical significance of that? No, he has not, because Dan doesn’t know the historical significance of that. And if he does know, he doesn’t care. It’s not him, that’s all he cares, and he wants the win. People like Dan have been given carte blanche to be on the “winning team” and by God, they are going to take advantage of it. If babies have to be butchered and our country turned into even more of a killing field, so be it, as long as Dan gets to be self-righteous and win! Unfortunately that means many of his fellow Americans must lose, maybe their careers or lives, but, oh well, tough to be you.
        Katy Perry found out how righteous these people are in their hate and ignorance. She tweeted that she was going to show mere human empathy and a spirit of love to her family and friends who were disappointed it seemed Biden won. She was attacked by thousands of her “followers” for that tiny sentiment. She acted like a human being, and the zombies weren’t having any of it, because they have jettisoned their humanity for hatred. Many of these people have in fact rejected Jesus Christ and sold their souls, although they don’t know yet they made the deal. And why not, the USCCB just showed them how to do it on a grand scale by congratulating Joe Biden and saying he is our “second Catholic president”. No wonder so many are marching off to Hell.

      2. Just wanted to point something out.

        In your “About” section for your blog, you say that you wish to remain anonymous. I totally get that. You explain that part of the reason you wish to remain anonymous is that you wish to “not be ejected from [your] social circles by those who struggle to understand [your] outstanding sarcasm and witty banter.” All well and good. I get it.

        BUT THEN…

        You ridicule those who didn’t vote for your candidate in this blog post by explaining, “They do what weak men have done from day one of creation: they took the easy route. They took the route they felt would be the most advantageous for THEIR comfort … Nope, they fell right in line because they didn’t want to have their comfy lives touched. So much more peaceful and unifying to keep your mouths shut and not be brought up to HR or SHAMED BY THEIR FRIENDS.” (my emphasis)

        You don’t want your religious and political ideas to be known by your friends because you’re scared of being “ejected from [your] social circles”? Yet you’re all up in the chili of people who didn’t for Trump, accusing them of taking the “easy route”, not wanting to experience discomfort, and keeping their mouths shut for fear of being “brought up to HR: or of being “SHAMED BY THEIR FRIENDS”.

        Isn’t that a tad hypocritical? Just a tad?

        If you’re really fired up about weak-willed non-Trump supporters taking the “easy route”, in your strength of character, why don’t you lift your veil and let us all know who you are so you can proclaim, loudly, proudly, and strongly, your support of Trump to the whole wide world including your “social circles” filled with “those who struggle to understand” your point of view?

        1. Nice try. I’m not voting for evil because I’m scared of anyone. I just want to be prevented from doing the good my real persona gets to do because someone got offended. People not telling people they voted for Trump because they feared retribution and people voting for Biden because of it are two very different things.

          1. So, who is your real persona? Do you play a fire-breathing older-woman incarnation of Tomi Lahren here on your blog and then play a toeing-the-line liberal sheep in real life? Who are you? Why the incongruity in your personas?

            Are your “friends” really your friends if you’re terrified they’d ostracize you if they know who you truly are? I feel bad for you – having to live a double life. It sounds like a pretty closeted existence. Seriously. That’s hard.

            How have you responded to your circle of friends when the issue of the election came up? What do you do when issues touching on faith arise with your friends? Do you meekly remain quiet? Or do you pretend to hold views that you don’t really believe in? What would your friends do if they read your blog posts?

            Maybe you’d be surprised if you let your friends in on what you really believe. Maybe some of them feel similarly. Maybe some of them would be more understanding than you’d expect.

            And if not? Then maybe they’re not friends worth having if they’d ditch a good friend over a difference in political and/or religious opinion. I’ve had a couple of friends ditch me over my views opposing abortion. Sad, but oh well. They weren’t friends worth having. I’ve had other super-liberal friends simply agree to disagree. I’ve had other friends who disagree but who enjoy discussing the issue. I’m cool with that.

            Stop living a double life. It’s not good for you. One way or the other you’re living a lie if you’re pretending to be something you’re not either here on this blog or in real life with your friends. That’s crazy-making behavior.

            I’ll pray for you.

              1. Seriously?

                Are your friends not part of your “social circles” that you’re afraid of being “ejected from” as explained in your “About” section?

                Okay, so if ‘m to infer correctly, your friends are not part of your social circles? Your social circles consist of what?

                Dude, man, bro, the degree of semantic and mental gymnastics that are required to make things line up in your world are exhausting.

                So, same questions. Why the different personas? Which persona do you play in front of your social circles (which apparently don’t include your friends)? What would your social circles.

                What do you do when the topic of abortion comes up with your social circles? Do you fearfully remain quiet? Do you pretend to go along with whatever you perceive the prevailing viewpoint to be?

                I truly feel bad for you. There’s clearly a lot of inner conflict going on inside of you. On the one hand, you want to be accepted by your liberal social circles. On the other hand, you hate what they believe and secretly resent them for turning your state (California) into a socialist hellscape.

                But, if you were honest them, they might accept you. Don’t they say there are a lot of “shy” Trump supporters out there? Maybe if you presented them with the truth of Christ as you understand it, you’d win them over and save their souls.

                But you remain quiet with your social circles. Interesting. And sad.

            1. You need to be blocked. This may shock you, but people actually have liberty. They can choose to be anonymous on a blog, and that is their complete right. Nobody usually gets in a lather about it, it’s a personal decision. I’ve never spent 1 second wondering why someone would want to remain anonymous, because you just made it obvious why that’s a good idea. Thanks for Being Exhibit A. If you have nothing else to contribute, you should probably move along. There might be an old lady with a knitting blog and you can get her worked up with your nonsense.
              And if you’re so into reveals, Randy Marsh, tell us where you live? Put your address up here so we can check and see in five seconds if you are telling the truth about your name. Come on Randy, if you don’t do it, you’re certainly “crazy making”.

        2. Here’s the difference: many people choose to keep silent so as to not stir controversy, get involved in arguments about politics with neighbours, school mothers, fellow workers, etc. This is for the sake of peaceful coexistence. BUT she didn’t take this “just get along” attitude to the voting booth— she went in and stood up tor the right candidate!

          1. Jodie Wang,

            Hey, I get it.

            But here’s the difference. Quoting “One Mad Mom”:

            “Nope, they fell right in line because they didn’t want to have their comfy lives touched. So much more peaceful and unifying to keep your mouths shut and not be brought up to HR or shamed by their friends.”

            She’s lambasting the “squishy middle” for keeping their mouths shut and not wanting to have their comfy lives touched and so on. Yet, she keeps her mouth shut because she doesn’t want to be ejected from her comfy social circles while at the same time anonymously posting away like a Karen on her blog from the great blue state of California.

            That sounds hypocritical to me. I actually feel sorry for her. And I will be praying for her.

            1. Here’s the great thing about the internet— if you don’t like what you read you can close it and go somewhere else. If you don’t agree with her go watch CNN, don’t stay here and be a troll!

              1. Hey Jodie,

                It IS a great thing about the internet. When someone isn’t echoing what your echo chamber is saying, you too can sign off and go watch/read/listen to your favorite Russian-sponsored media outlet like Breitbart, OANN, or RT (I know Fox has really let you down lately). They’ll stoke your grievances. They’ll scratch your itch. They’ll fill you in on all the latest conspiracy theories. They’ll provide you with all the crazy you can consume.

                Git on over there! Go on!! Git!!!

                  1. Alright children, I’m OK with one or two nonsensical comments but when you start posting just to hear yourself and you start getting repetative, I shall have to step in and moderate. Free discussion great but trolls are a waste of time. And, btw trolls, everytime you post my readership goes up so you may want to consider that.

        3. Why don’t you get a hobby. Being obnoxious online is not an activity. You seriously come to a blog and harangue the blogger who doesn’t want jerks annoying her, by being an annoying jerk? Ironic. People who get all juiced up about nothing used to be amusing, but not anymore, there’s too many of you. Your little intellectual exercise failed.

    2. Joe Biden is a good and decent man, in the mold of Hitler as a good man. We cannot and should not try to guess the state of anyone’s soul (except that we can make a pretty good stab at it when someone persists in bragging about their commitment to mortal sin), and yet we surely can judge two trees by their fruits: one promotes life and adoption, reduces poverty, increases jobs, and blocks illegal immigrants and thus reduces human trafficking; the other promotes child dismemberment (and his sidekick promotes harvesting their organs for money! Hurray!), increasing taxes, shutting down the economy and driving more people to depend on government handouts, and open borders to turn the US into a third world country. Hmmmm I wonder which one of these two men is more likely to actually be a “good and decent man?”

    3. Oh my gosh, I did not read the entirety of your comment. You invoke “the Lord of Hosts”?
      You defend abortion and the head of an obvious criminal syndicate, a corrupt man who has spent the last 50 years in office and has actually done nothing, and you think you are on the side of “the Lord of Hosts”.
      Can I just ask you, seriously, to take one moment to consider something. I’m asking in all sincerity. We all have our own illusions about God, who He is and what He is about. None of us have a lock on that, we just do the best we can with what we know. But do you honestly believe, that the God of the bible, the God of history, the God of salvation, the same God that spoke to Moses and died on the cross for us, believes that it is acceptable to take the life of a tiny baby, moments from that child’s birth? Consider it. Do you believe that Jesus Christ stands in the clinic and smiles approvingly as a beautiful child, who’s arrival would be celebrated as a joyous event in any other era, is dispatched in a brutal manner during the moments before taking that first breath of oxygen? Or now, possibly after? There Jesus is, watching the life ooze from that baby and the blood and the gore, the organs harvested for sale, and Jesus beams approvingly.
      That is madness, to consider that as possible is madness. You are deluding yourself.
      Your soul is in peril, Dan. You need to realize you are being led by evil people. Think for yourself. Reason your way to sanity. Go to Confession. Recant. Repent of your vote, which was for evil if it was for Harris/Biden. Stop thinking our Catholic Church is leading you to heaven. They are not. Wake up Dan.

      1. Kate R – You’re claiming that Joe Biden is the head of a criminal syndicate. Madam, you are a very sick and depraved woman to make those false accusations. Please provide the proof that Joe Biden is the head of a criminal syndicate. You cannot because that proof does not exist.

        You have just broken the Ninth Commandment. Your hypocrisy places you in danger of being cast into the fires of Hell for all of eternity. Wake up before it’s too late!

        This entire discussion forum sounds like a bunch of crazy people who are involved with the QAnon conspiracy theory. I feel like I have to take a shower after reading all of the toxic bile that is being spewed in this cesspool.

        I’m outta here!

        1. Don’t let the door hit you! You are the one who has been listening to the MSM for way too long. You know about the Biden crime family and their dealings? Teh incest in the family? NO? It will be made manifest. Mr. Trump is the human hope to hold back the ‘reset’ and communism, etc. Biden is a dirty old man at the very least who supports every intrinsic evil. You must have voted for him. You can NOT be a faithful Catholic and support those who champion baby murder, sodomy, etc. You can take your hatred and righteousness and peddle it somewhere else because we are not buying it. The blatant cheating to get the demoncrats elected will also be made manifest.

          1. Lady, with all due respect, you are absolutely out of your mind. If this is what the Catholic Church does to your brain I want no parts of it. What you just wrote is the most despicable pack of lies that I’ve ever read. This is right out of the QAnon playbook.

            You are seriously mentally ill and should get some help before you harm yourself or someone else, and please don’t take that as a personal attack. I am seriously concerned about your wellbeing. There is something very wrong about your thought process.

            1. Thanks, Dan, for the very typical left-wing commentary: call names, declare insanity, hurl epithets of racism and homophobism and every “ism”, revel in the fact that the Left are Always Right! There can be no other option so discussion is wasting time and brain cells, don’t you think?

            2. Your comment to Magdalene: “ You are despicable, delusional, and insane, but don’t take this personally.” The Left has indoctrinated you well!!!

              1. Wow, Jodie, the vitriol continues to explode in this discussion forum. Did I upset your apple cart today?

                No worries Jodie, I will soon be leaving this discussion forum to spend my time on more productive endeavors. I’m in Pennsylvania but will soon be heading down to Georgia to help with the Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock Senate campaigns to help them get elected in the special runoff election on January 5th. We need to give Joe Biden a Democratic Senate to work with and I will be doing everything I can to make that happen.

                1. Dan, I appreciate your comments. For the longest time, I was the only voice of reason on this blog in relation to Donald Trump and acceptance of other’s values who did not match theirs. For example, though God did say to take care of immigrants, they want nothing to do with them, unless they are legal. We all know that legal immigration is near impossible, yet it is ok to deny these people hope. OMM claims not to know his Trump’s mind and accepts his switch to pro-life. Jodie, appears to know Biden’s mind, though. They twist words and logic. I no longer comment on this blog but occasionally check in to hear what rabid Trump supporters are saying. I just wanted to express my thanks to you for trying. I bet OMM appreciates that fact that you have generated way more comments than usual.

                  1. We’re judging action, not interior, TA. We’ve had 47 years to Joe Biden’s actions and rhetoric in public service and we’ve had 4 years to judge Trump’s. Joe has said what his plans are and they are evil. And as far as immigrants go, TA, please, oh please, tell us how Biden has handled them. As for the Church, my parish was asked to aid an accompany some immigrant families who entered our diocese and we did. So, again, when you have proof that we don’t care about immigrants, please give it. When you don’t, let’s not make up a whole new reality to fit your narrative.

                    1. You did a whole post about immigrants and how horrible it was that a Catholic Charities person was raising money for them. Joe has yet to be President. You certainly don’t have that kind of power as a Senator. There is nothing evil about Joe’s plan. He supports a constitutional ruling, Roe v Wade. You seem to forget separation of church and state.

                  2. Teach Acceptance – Thanks for your comments. It is good to know that there are at least a few reasonable minded folks, not part of the Trump cult, who post their comments here from time to time. Thanks also, for pointing out their flawed logic and the double standards they use to support their positions.

                2. You mean you intend to help steal an election. You’re not an American, you’re a Communist pustule in our country. Go ahead toadie, go all the way down there and watch your efforts get blocked by laws which prevent that illegal move.
                  Really, it is you that is disgusting. You think the Democrats stealing an election is a “win” for you, but you are an insignificant nothing to them, they will roll right over you without looking if they have to. You’re not part of a winning “team” buddy, you’re a coward and a traitor, and not a thing more.

                  1. Here is something sad, Kate. I live in Canada and I have seen the rights and freedoms my parents had, evaporate bit by bit such that now one must live in fear to express pro-life and pro-sense views publicly. I look to America, which I really have grown to love, and my heart breaks when I see that there are so many people there who don’t appreciate your freedoms, or worse yet— traitorously support a Marxist regime that will strip your rights away. America is the last bastion of actual free speech and freedom of religion left on this earth. Please treasure it!!

              2. You are a very dishonest person, Jodie. Why am I not surprised. The quote you attribute to me, “You are despicable, delusional, and insane, but don’t take this personally” I did not make. Go back and read what I wrote. I did not say that Magdalene was despicable, only that the vile things she wrote about the Bidens was a despicable pack of lies. I never used the word “delusional” in my reply to Magdalene. You simply made that up. However, I do believe that what Magdalene wrote is virtually identical to what the QAnon cult followers are saying and I sincerely believe that all of those people are mentally unbalanced.

                Please try to be careful when you put something in “quotes” that you are accurately quoting what the person actually said or wrote. Your sloppiness in posting that false quote calls your credibility into question.

                1. It was a paraphrase and I was emphasizing the irony of you basically calling her insane and then following it with the statement to not take it personally. It was quite entertaining!

              3. OK Jodie, this will be my very last post on this discussion thread. Frankly, I’m not even sure how I got sucked back in to this discussion group. I initially came across this group almost a year ago and tried to have a civil discussion and was immediately condemned for being a Democrat and criticizing Trump. At that time I sent a link to this group to a good Catholic friend and former co-worker who is a member of the St. Joan of Arc parish in Hershey, Pennsylvania. My friend is devout in her faith and very active in her church and her sister was a nun in the order started by St. Katherine Drexel, Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, and she was based at St. Elizabeth’s Convent in Bensalem, PA. The entire family are fine Christians and are charitable members of the community. They are Italian Catholics and members of the Democratic Party.

                My Catholic friends invited me to a dinner party at their home several years ago and their parish priest at St. Joan of Arc was also there as a dinner guest. We had a wonderful evening and engaged in a civil discussion of politics, religion, church history, our responsibility to protect the environment, etc. Their parish priest was actually very progressive in his thinking in the same vein as Sister Simone Campbell and Pope Francis. I left that dinner party with a very favorable view of the Catholic Church, unlike the view of Catholics that I am getting from this discussion forum.

                My Catholic friend perused through the discussion thread in this forum a year ago and said that the views expressed here were extremist and are not reflective of what a vast number of Catholics believe. Based on that feedback, I had no intention of ever posting anything in this forum ever again, and quite frankly completely forgot about One Mad Mom. I should have realized from that get go, that a discussion forum with a name like that would be hateful and vitriolic, and boy was I right. As I said, I had no intention of posting anything here, but out of the clear blue sky I received an email from One Mad Mom this morning with a post attacking Joe Biden and praising Trump. I could not allow that to go unanswered and what I intended to be a single reply to a pack of lies ended up in dozens of back and forth vitriol and incivility.

                I am out of here, never to return. I wish no one ill, but I do feel sorry for all of you who cling to all of your grievances and your conspiracy theories. You are all doing a disservice to the Christian faith. The hate and vitriol expressed in this discussion forum is one of the reasons why young people want nothing to do with organized religion. They are leaving the church in growing numbers because they reject the intolerance, the hate, the judgementalism and the negativity. If you continue down this path, 50 years from now, the Catholic Church will fade into complete irrelevance, while the true Church of Christ will continue to grow and prosper.


                1. Dan S,

                  You’re right about why people are leaving the Church. If this is what the Church is, why would any sane person want to have anything to do with it? Fortunately, I know that these people are not what the Church is.

                  It’s as if they haven’t been catechized AT ALL. Because we’re dealing with the exact same issues that Jesus spent most of His time preaching against 2,000 years hence. He absolutely railed against the pride, arrogance, and legalism of the Pharisees. These whacked-out, far-right, super-extremist “Catholics” seem to have missed all of that and settled upon the minutiae. Swatting at specks while missing their own plank. They trade in love for hate, humility for pride and arrogance.

                  But it’s like these modern-day Pharisees are even worse than the Pharisees of old because those Pharisees didn’t have access to social media to feed them a steady diet of conspiracy theories and insane fringe diatribe. These guys here on this thread are the ultimate sheep. Their every thought, like a rat pressing a lever for a food pellet in a cage, is controlled by artificial intelligence algorithms that dispense to them tailor-made, micro-targeted news and recommended links. They’ve rewired their neural pathways with their addiction to social media and the little dopamine hit they receive every time a new chem trails story or Taylor Marshall video (super-far-right “Catholic” white-nationlist nut job) hits their brain stem. And they don’t even realize they’re being controlled by the bots engineered in a lab by Zuckerberg, Brin, Dorsey, et al.

                  If you have time, I definitely recommend watching the new NetFlix documentary “The Social Dilemma”. Pretty eye-opening.

                  But, in conclusion, I’ll bid you all adieu by saying the types of crazies on this thread are the true “Infiltration” (Taylor Marshall reference) of the Church and are the ones bringing it down from within. Sad, sad, sad.

                2. If you’re here, I won’t be. Thank God you’re gone, and take the other nut with you. There’s a time to stop being polite, and the time seems to have come. Nobody has to put up with strutting Marxists feeling their mojo who believe they are Catholic or even Christian but endorse a man who believes in tearing babies limb from limb and call it “good”, moments before birth and probably after. Those people are headed straight for Hell, regardless of how poorly catechized they are. Nothing but eternal misery awaits people who call evil good and good evil. That has been addressed in Scripture, and no amount of twisting can make it anything else. You need to repent, wear sackcloth and ashes, for voting for such an astounding evil as that. You made sacrifices to Moloch, and you think you are a Christian. That’s a joke.

            3. Boy I wish I had my finger on the block button. Who left the door open and let you nuts in here? Don’t you have some old ladies to intimidate? Go away, your BS is ridiculous. Democrats are corrupt, amoral, and idiotic. Get lost.

        2. Democrats tear babies apart. They have not one molecule of right to act self-righteous. Not one molecule. Spare us your absurdities.

            1. Wondering how many Republicans seek abortions does not justify Democrats or anyone aborting their children. Biden said that there is no room for pro-lifers in the Dem party. There are baby killers in both parties yes but it is the Democrat party that wants abortions, anytime, anywhere and for any reason. The Trump presidency has defended the unborn at every step for the last 4 years and God willing he will allow Trump another 4 years. Oh and yes, there are pro-life Democrats but they have found out they are no longer welcomed or wanted by Biden. That’s teaching acceptance.

              No, the media does not call an election for me. Trump is still President for this term until Jan and more than likely for four more years also.

              1. Bob, please document when Biden said there is no room for pro-lifers in the Democrat party. Abortion is an individual choice. There are plenty of Democrats who are pro-life.

            2. Just because some Republicans also seek abortions as the Dems does not justify the killing of babies by anyone. The difference is that the Republican party will allow pro-choicers into their party unlike Biden who does not welcome Dem pro-lifers into his party, the party who wants abortions anytime, anywhere and for any reason.

              Republicans, under Donald Trump has defended and saved more unborn children than any other president. Killing babies by any party is wrong and a mortal sin yet the Dems ensconced killing babies in their platform. If you can’t see that, then I can’t help you.

                1. Bernie and Tom Perez are the ones who actually made the “no room for pro-lifers” statements. Biden just shows us in word because the Democrats for Life begged him to try to appeal to them and he chose Kamala Harris, promised to roll back anything done by Trump and is still all for persecuting the Little Sisters of the Poor. He did it in deed.

    4. Dan, you are the only one expressing hate, and there is no truth in your virulent attacks. Furthermore, there is overwhelming evidence of fraud in several states. The election is governed by statute and the constitution, not the media, and accordingly, it’s not over.

      1. Greg Parent,
        Please, sir, take a good long look in the mirror if you want to see hate and virulent judgementalism.

        There is no credible evidence of any significant election fraud in any of the states won by Joe Biden. Every single court case alleging election fraud that the Trump Campaign filed has been thrown out because they were unable to present any credible evidence of election fraud. Many of these rulings are being made by conservative judges.

        Your allegations are patently false. If you are the Christian that you claim to be, then please stop peddling lies and conspiracy theories.

    5. There is credible evidence that Biden sexually abused a woman and there are lots of tapes where we see him getting way to intimate with females young and old and you call him a good and decent man ????

      1. Wrong June. There is no credible evidence – ZERO – that Joe Biden ever sexually abused any woman. Trump, now that’s an entirely different story. He has been accused by 20 different women of sexual harassment and there are currently several criminal cases winding their way through the courts. He paid a porn star $130,000 to silence her. One of those cases involves an allegation of rape and we the taxpayers are paying for Trump’s legal defense in that case, but that will all end when he is no longer the president on January 20th. He will then have to pay those legal fees out of his own personal finances.

        Then we have the Access Hollywood tape where we heard him in his own words bragging that he can “grab women by their pussies and get away with it.” Sorry if that language offends you, but I am simply quoting the person that you just voted for.

        Like virtually all of the conservative Catholics and Evangelicals I know who voted for Trump, your hypocrisy is stomach churning. Given how strongly Jesus condemned hypocrisy, I have a sneaking suspicion that He would not be OK with that.

    6. You are a complete fool and not very bright. May the Lord open your eyes to the truth. And also take away your Kool Aid

      1. Wow, just wow! This is supposed to be a Catholic/Christian discussion forum but that certainly is not apparent based on all the incivility and vitriol that is being poured out here. Did you know, BK, that Jesus said calling someone a fool makes them deserving of the fires of Hell? “But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.” – Matthew 5:22

    7. First a simple question for you to see if you’re even capable of a cogent discussion..Do you believe that not all women have periods? If the answer is no we can continue if it’s yes then you are not capable of rational discussion.

      So let’s talk about the serial liar Joe Biden,do you know why he dropped out of the 1988 presidential election you should check it out. if Trump was such a bad guy why did everyone in Hollywood want to be his friend or get invited to his parties? Yes we know they’re just shallow people but i guess they’re hypocrites too.How about the claim that he’s a racist? If so why has he received so many past accolades from the black community? Why did he receive more of the black vote than previous Republican candidates?

      Regarding the policy of separating children at the border are you the least bit educated on the subject matter other than soundbites and headlines? Do you realize this was a policy in place under Biden and Obama? do you realize the key element of this policy was ended by Trump more than two years ago? Do you realize that not all of these children are actually with parents and the reason they can’t be reunited because they weren’t with their children parents to begin with?You called them being placed in cages but how would you have handled the situation to keep people safe while being processed?By the way there are members of the Obama administration pictured walking by the so-called cages during his presidency.Were you outraged then?

      1. I consider myself to be a very tolerant person, but there is one thing that I cannot tolerate and that is being lectured to by a patronizing person who claims that they are in command of the facts, but then proceed to misstate virtually every fact associated with this story. Just one example of your false claims is that the child separation policy was started by Obama. THAT IS A BALD FACED LIE. THE ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY WAS STARTED BY TRUMP. You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

    8. Thai Tea is Great

      After the fall of the Katechon, surely the Fallen One will send forth advanced parties of demons of discord to sow doubt among the faithful! Okay lets break it down. Joe Biden is also known as a pathological liar. He has lied about growing up in Scranton. He has lied about his life such as going to colleges he never studied at. He has also lied about his policies, his positions, sources of his family’s wealth. Surely that too fits the definition of hypocrisy!

      You also forget that less than 30% of DNA tests of minors showing up with adults showed some blood relation. Those 600 minors parents dont even want them. The federal government made contact with their “parents” and the “parents” refuse the minors. If you break the law, go to jail do you take your children with you? just asking.

      Think about all the black children Joe Biden helped separate from their families just for possessing a small bag of crack. Oh wait his son Hunter is a known crack addict but never spent a decade in jail like Joe Biden’s victims. Is that hypocrisy no? Joe Biden contributed to the New Jim Crow, incarcerating tens of thousands of mostly young black men for decades! Were still seeing the effects of Joe Bidens New Jim Crow Laws: broken families, fatherless children, low education success rates, low income, generational poverty and welfare reliance.

      More likely a bullet has struck through America’s heart. We are on the precipice of massive censorship on the internet. A convergence of mainstream media, big tech and a political party only spells doom for America. Not to mention we are now on the path of national lockdowns like China’s lockdowns.

      Truly you must be a demon of discord sent from the Fallen One to distract, demean and insult people who, merely have a different viewpoint, than you.

  2. Okay. Enough. To All of you who believe Biden is President it’s time to be educated and grow up. You’ve believed everything you’ve been told about Trump being a bad man from the media. You believed every thing they told you about decent and honest Biden. And now you believe Biden is President. Why? Because the media says so. Well, sorry to burst your bubble. It is not the media who calls an election. They do not have the authority to officially call an election. Trump and others who question the integrity of the votes counted on Nov. 3rd are in their rights to bring their skepticism to the fore.

    This and all presidential elections are not called until court cases are heard and decided on. They are not called until all legal votes are counted. They are not called until the electoral college votes on or around Dec. 14 and they are not officially called until Congress certifies the winner on Jan. 6. And above all they are not decided or called by the media.

    You think Trump is being a sore loser? Why wasn’t Gore considered a sore loser when it took over thirty days for him to concede? Because they believed Bush was a bad man and stole the elections. Funny how the media dug into the Bush/Gore fiasco but refuse to dig into the 2020 election fiasco when there many (including foreign leaders) believe many of the votes cast have been tampered with. Oh well. I woke up on Wednesday morning, with an election that was still continuing, Trump was still President and was going to be president until January. That’s the reality. Live with it. It ain’t over til it’s over and the media does not call the shots. Okay. Class dismissed.

    1. Uh, the election of Trump was called by the press. He was invited to the WH in a few days after the election. He was given funds to start his transition team. He received presidential briefings. None of that is being given to Biden because Donald is busy collecting money from his supporters to pay for his legal efforts. He knows he has no chance to win, but he realizes he does have a chance to make millions of dollars from his supporters to pay for the debt his campaign created. Read the fine print. So, not only does he lie to you, he steals from you.

      1. Trumps election wasn’t disputed. This one is. We waited 37 days for the settlement of 2000. We want him to fight it and so we shall wait for the outcome of all the LEGAL options we have.

        1. Of course you want him to fight it, but he lost. There is no chance of him winning and everyone, including Trump knows it. He is using this time to shore up his cash so he doesn’t end up in more debt. Hopefully, this will be his last grift on the American people. Even the Republican governors in contested states say he has no chance and there is not any evidence of widespread fraud. I’m sure he is going to try to make the electors change their legal vote to him. Sad that he is destroying what was a great democracy with his actions.

  3. Perfectly stated article! The media is the perfect example of Satan spreading lies in the world and so many are really gullible!! That scares me more than Biden and Kamala. My relatives experienced the Nazi propaganda in East Germany. The liberal news media is no different.

    1. Beth, you need to take a refresher course on world history. Nazi Germany was not a liberal/socialist regime; they were a far right Fascist dictatorship. The so called “liberal media” who conservatives (Fox, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of their ilk) love to demonize is enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution. A free an independent press is absolutely essential for protecting our democracy against tyranny and authoritarian despots like Trump.

      The Washington Post and the New York Times continue to be the standard bearers of a free and independent press in this country and no amount of demonization by Fox News groupies is ever going to change that. Had it not been for the excellence of reporting by Woodward and Bernstein at the Washington Post, the American people would have never learned about the corruption and crimes of Richard Nixon. They also did excellent reporting on the child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, which your conservative leaders ignored and covered up for many decades. The criminal behavior of those depraved priests and their enabling superiors will forever be a stain on the Catholic Church.

      One final comment about the Catholic Church, and by the way, I’m Lutheran. I have the highest respect and admiration for Pope Francis, Sister Simone Campbell and many others within the church who are carrying out the the call of Christ for social justice as He taught in the Sermon on the Mount. Some of my dearest friends are Catholic and they also happen to be Democrats who voted for Joe Biden.

      1. I myself believe that the role in fact the duty of the press is to report FACTS, without interpretation. Let their readers make informed decisions and their own opinions. Today it is nearly impossible to read a news story anywhere about the election without péjoratives or opinions embedded in the article (and I’m not speaking of editorials of course): Trump’s claims are “baseless” or “conspiracy” or “desperate”. Why not just report the facts? And on that note, why not REPORT FACTS period? The media CHOSE to not pursue the biggest story of this election cycle, namely the Hunter Biden scandal. It is credible evidence of corruption of one of the candidates running in the worlds biggest election and the media CHOSE to not cover it because it didn’t support their desired outcome! Since when does the media get to have a “desired outcome” anyways? Media has morphed from REPORTING the news to SHAPING the news— and in fact, as President Trump has already stated, THAT is criminal.

      2. No Catholics voted for Biden.
        According to an encyclical form 1945, a Catholic is defined as one who is baptized into the Catholic Church AND embraces the beliefs of the Church. It is a valid thesis that anyone who promotes human beings being dismembered, scalded to death, and otherwise tortured has excommunicated himself from the Holy Catholic Church. Yes

        1. And what about all those priests who sodomized little boys? Were they not Catholics? Did they excommunicate themselves. And what about the Catholic Church hierarchy who knew that this was going on for decades and did nothing to stop it, and in fact covered it up? Were they not Catholics and did they excommunicate themselves?

          And with regard to abortion, the most practical way to prevent abortion is BIRTH CONTROL! The Catholic Church’s virulent opposition to birth control has resulted in millions of abortions.

          1. Yes I would say those sodomite priests were most likely not Catholics either— surely one cannot imagine this behaviour coupled with an actual belief in eternal judgement and justice.

            Birth control does not prevent abortion; firstly, many types of contraception are abortifacients themselves (anti implantational meds and devices); and secondly, birth control gives the user a false sense of impunity and allows recurrent sexual activity in a setting of pregnancy being absolutely intolerable. To the nest of my knowledge, more sex = more pregnancy. Abortion rates have soared since the invention of the Pill, and while there are many confounders one can also rationalize that the invention of easily available and widespread contraception helped to promote fornication to the cultural status it holds today.

            1. Have abortion rates really soared or are they just being counted since they became legal? Additionally, most likely it is the use of less reliable methods of contraception that cause unwanted pregnancies. People are not going to stop having sex.

        2. And what about all those depraved priests who sodomized little boys? Where they not Catholic? Did they excommunicate themselves? And what about their direct superiors and others in the Catholic Church hierarchy who knew that this vile child abuse was going on for decades and covered it up and did nothing about it? Were they not Catholic and did they excommunicate themselves?

          And with regard to abortion, the simple solution that would prevent millions of abortions is BIRTH CONTROL! The Catholic Church’s virulent opposition to any and all forms of birth control makes the Catholic Church part of the problem rather than part of the solution. It is now estimated that up to half of Catholics now use some form of birth control, so are you claiming that half of the members of the Catholic Church are not really Catholics because they do not follow church doctrine to the letter?

          Also, I have to ask you what you think of Pope Francis giving his blessing on same sex civil unions? Is Pope Francis not Catholic? Has Pope Francis excommunicated himself?

          1. As a lay Catholic woman, it is “above my pay grade” to decide whether or not the Pope is a heretic, but there is certainly lots of evidence that points in that direction (and the mental gymnastics required by faithful Catholics to maintain our belief that there is no disruption in the “hermeneutics of continuity “ grow more arduous by the day it seems)
            I view the barque of Peter as the ship the Lord sent to ferry His faithful across the ocean. There are other ships, some tethered to the Mother Ship rather closely, some loosely, and some have cut their ropes all together and hope to make it across the ocean by themselves somehow. I ask myself: what is the safest way to ensure I get across the ocean? I believe it is in the ship the Lord Himself built for me. I do have grave concerns that the ship had been overtaken by pirates, but I know that getting in a dinghy or jumping in the ocean isn’t an option. The Gates of Hell will not prevail— but popes still maintain free will and can commit heresy.

      3. Dan, you should take a refresher on world history. The word ‘Socialist’ is right there in the name Nazi, National Socialist! The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, yep, sounds reeeeeeeaally right wing.

        1. The Nazi National Socialist Party was a Fascist Party. They had nothing to do with socialism despite Hitler’s inclusion of the term in the name of their party. You need to take Political Science 101 class.

          Across the continuum of political ideologies, Fascism is on the far Right. It is ultra conservative and authoritarian. At the far left is Communism and Marxism, which is also authoritarian as it has been practiced by all of the governments in the modern era, i.e. the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, etc. The best example of true communism was the early Apostolic Church of the first century where everyone pooled their resources and shared their wealth equally with the entire community.

          Socialism is further to the center on the political ideology spectrum, but leans to the Left. Our democratic Republic has been a blend of capitalism and socialism since the days of FDR’s New Deal. If you benefit from Social Security and Medicare, you are participating in socialist programs.

          In conclusion, Hitler’s Nazi Party was Fascist, not Socialist.

  4. I’ve never seen such complete insanity in all my life as I’m reading in this discussion forum. You’ve all made a Faustian deal with the Devil (Trump) and you are allowing the abortion issue to cloud your judgement on all of the other grievous sins that Trump is committing. You would all be OK with Trump taking this country down the path of a Fascist dictatorship just because he threw you a bone on the abortion issue. Trump was pro-choice his entire life before he decided to run for president and switched to pro-life to get the support of religious conservatives. Any man who rips children away from their parents and locks them up in cages is not pro-life. Trump is a fraud, a charlatan and is the Devil’s spawn. How many abortions do you think he has paid for over the course of his depraved life with all of his many adulterous affairs and hook-ups with porn stars and prostitutes? Your support of Trump reveals the sickness and putrid rot of your souls.

    Did you know that Hitler was virulently opposed to abortion? Germany was a Christian nation and yet was led down the hellish path of the Holocaust by the monster Hitler who professed to be a Christian. It is now well documented that the Catholic Church looked the other way as Hitler committed one of the worst genocides in history. It took decades after the war ended before the Catholic Church issued an apology to the Jewish people. You have it all wrong folks. Joe Biden is not the new Hitler, Trump is. History is repeating itself and the self-righteous holier than thou Christians are the ones who are aligned with Satan.

    One of the few leaders of the Catholic Church who I respect and admire is Pope Francis. No question in my mind that he is a righteous man led by God. Pope Francis said in 2016 that Trump is not a Christian. That ends the debate for me.

    In closing, all of you arch conservative Catholics fail to study and learn the lessons of history and are now repeating the errors of past conservatives. When Christ walked the earth, the conservative religious leaders of His day were the Pharisees and the Scribes. Their eyes were blinded to the truth and they were the ones who called for Jesus’s crucifixion. The Pharisees and Scribes were the only two groups of people referenced in the Bible who Jesus never offered forgiveness. He condemned them for their hypocrisy, calling them a “brood of vipers” and compared them to “white washed tombs full of the stench of dead men’s bones.” There is absolutely no question in my mind that today’s conservative Catholics and Protestant Evangelicals who support Trump are the new Pharisees and Scribes. May God have mercy on your souls.

        1. We all know the answer to the question of who built the cages. They were built during the Obama Administration. So what is your point sir? The grievous sin was not building the cages, but rather, ripping little children, including infants, from the arms of their parents and putting them in those cages.

          Let me be clear, the Obama Administration NEVER had a policy of separating children from their parents at our southern border. If you claim otherwise, you are a bald faced liar. Those cages were built to temporarily hold migrant families seeking asylum, but there was no policy to separate children from their families. The ONLY exception was if the adult accompanying a child was unable to prove that they were the parent and child abuse was suspected. Those families were only held for a very brief period of time, no more than 72 hours if I recall, until their asylum cases could be opened and entered into the court docket.

          What the Trump Administration did was a complete departure from the policy set up by the Obama Administration. Trump’s policy caged many of those children indefinitely and now we are learning that the Trump Administration is unable to reunite more than 600 of those children with their parents. Sir, what they did to these children and their families is nothing less than government sanctioned child abuse. People should go to jail for committing these human rights abuses. Again, if you are OK with all of this, you are not pro-life.

          1. When a parent involves their child in an illegal activity and the child suffers repercussions for it, I would posit it is the parents’ liability, not the government’s. If I sneak across the Canada -US border without my passport I know full well there will be consequences and it’s not for me to blame border control for enforcing its own border and doing its job. Or is it?

          2. Union of Thai Tea

            If I say commit a crime such as murder and sent to prison, will my children join me or will I be separated from them?

            If I commit a crime and sent to prison, will my children join me or will I be separated from them?

            If someone who crosses the border illegally as in breaks the law i wonder what happens??

        2. Furthermore, let’s say I take my children to an illegal casino. When children are discovered in this illegal casino the consequence is they are locked up by the police temporarily. Whose responsibility is it to ensure my children don’t end up in the police lockup— the police, or me?

          1. You’re reply is devoid of any coherent thought. The vast majority of these migrant families came here to seek asylum. That is a LEGAL act under US law and International law. Your “illegal casino” argument is completely without merit.

            1. So you’re saying the phrase “Illegal Immigrant” is an impossibility? All immigrants to the US are legally entitled? So is there no distinction between legal and illegal immigrant then? Can I come to America and stay as long as I want to? I’m asking these questions seriously.

  5. Dan,
    You site the Washington Post and New York Times and claim that I am brainwashed? You also demonstrate how out of touch you are by accusing those you disagree with as being Fox News sycophants. Fox News? Seriously? What is this 2008?
    Go to Confession, go to Mass, seek His Mercy now. After death there is only his righteous Justice.

    1. Louis IX,
      My salvation is secure sir. I am covered by the precious Blood of Christ. I am Lutheran, so we don’t “go to confession,” We confess our sins every Sunday as part of the liturgy of the worship service. And let me guess sir, you are probably one of those hard right Catholics who believe that all Protestants are going to Hell. If that is the case, it is very sad to see that you are committing the same error as the self-righteous Pharisees and the Scribes, the religious conservatives during the time of Christ, who believed that only they had the keys to the kingdom. They were condemned by Jesus for their hypocrisy.

      The sins of the Catholic Church are legion and enough books have been written about that to fill a library. The Inquisition comes to mind, when untold thousands were tortured and murdered by the Catholic Church because they dared to question church authority. Own it sir. Own it.

      1. Don’t blaspheme the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Spotless Bride of Christ. Members of the Church do sin and always will but the Beloved of the Bridegroom remains unblemished. How dare you insult the Body of which Our Lord is the Head! Saul was knocked off his horse and blinded for doing just that! I pray you have a similar conversion.

        1. Louis IX,
          You’ve just make the case for the Reformation. Martin Luther nailed those 95 theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg in 1517 precisely because of the heresy and corruption within the Catholic Church at that time. That is not blaspheming the Catholic Church, that is simply stating a historical fact.

          In some respects, not much has changed within the Catholic Church over the course of those 503 years since the Reformation. The child sex abuse scandal will be a dark stain on your church for generations. The vile acts of sodomizing little boys and molesting little girls by those reprobate pedophile priests was covered up for decades by their superiors and the church hierarchy, so your church isn’t exactly the “Spotless Bride of Christ.” Thousands of lives have been ruined because the leadership in your church chose to look the other way when these people were being sexually abused. Your church has paid dearly for their sins, paying out close to $ONE BILLION in court settlements to these thousands of victims. Some of your parishes have been sued into bankruptcy, forcing them to close.

          So please, sir, do not lecture me about blasphemy. Your church committed blasphemy thousands and thousands of times when they allowed abusive priests to continue their vile acts and moved them to other parishes instead of removing them from the priesthood. Jesus warned against those who would harm or otherwise abuse the little children. We read from the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:6, “And whosoever shall offend or harm one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”

          You have placed you faith in an imperfect church for your salvation. I have placed my faith in the perfect Son of God, Jesus the Messiah, for my salvation. That is the difference between you and me.


        2. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. “You are the salt of the earth.

          1. Bob,
            The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:11-12, one of my favorite passages of scripture. Thanks for posting that. I sincerely hope that the other folks who have been posting in this discussion forum take those words of Jesus to heart.

            I have made my position on Trump abundantly clear. I do not believe he is a Christian and when I say that, I am only echoing the words of Pope Francis from 2016. The Bible says that we shall know them by their fruits (works). Trump is the most corrupt and dishonest president to occupy the White House in modern times. He is a serial adulterer, bragged about sexually assaulting women and grabbing them by their private parts. He is now in court trying to defend himself against very credible allegations of rape and will face criminal charges, if convicted, after he leaves office.

            All of these things, and many more examples of Trump’s grievous sins are well documented and not open to debate. In an interview with Anderson Cooper in 2016, Trump was asked whether he has ever asked for forgiveness for all of the terrible things he has done over the course of his life, and his answer was, “no, I’ve never asked for forgiveness because I’ve never done anything wrong.” You can google that CNN interview and hear it for yourself. What Christian talks like that? The only person who ever walked God’s green earth who was sinless and not in need for forgiveness was Jesus Christ.

            Simply pointing out the obvious has brought an avalanche of vile and hateful attacks by folks in this discussion forum, saying that I’m the one who needs to go to Confession that that I’m a terrible person for voting for Joe Biden. All of my Catholic friends voted for Joe Biden and I can assure you that many millions of Catholics also voted for Joe Biden last week. Attacking those people and claiming that they are not real Catholics is just wrong and it is judgmental.

            Even more egregious, are those who are posting vile lies about Joe Biden and his family in this discussion thread. He is pro-choice and I understand that is a very contentious issue for many Catholics, however, to peddle false allegations about “sodomy” and “incest” within the Biden family and falsely claiming that they are corrupt without offering a shred of evidence is slanderous and not something that Christians should be engaging in.

            The Hunter Biden laptop story is a manufactured story that is completely bogus. Trump’s corrupt attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has been pushing this false story for months to damage Joe Biden. Thankfully, the majority of voters were smart enough to see through this scam and the damage it did to Joe Biden was minimal at best. For those who continue to cling to this conspiracy theory, ask yourself why the staunchly conservative New York Post hesitated to even publish the story because of all of the holes in Giuliani’s narrative. The lead reporter at the Post refused to have his name connected to the story because of serious concerns about the veracity of the allegations. Fox News, after completing a thorough analysis of the evidence, or lack thereof, would not touch this story with a ten foot pole. No credible media outlet would touch this story because the claims made by Giuliani simply were not credible. Folks, there’s no coverup here, no Deep State conspiracy, this whole thing was fabricated by Trump and Giuliani to hurt Joe Biden. Sorry if that ruins anyone’s day, but there comes a point that you need to come back into the real world and accept the facts.

            1. Nice try but that scripture was not intended for you, sorry. As far as I am concerned I’ve heard every single leftist claim concerning Trump and you are just echoing the same mind vomit. Sorry. I don’t believe you are being sincere in what you say. As a matter of fact you come across as a well bred troll. Go on say it. Bob! You are not a christian!!! How can you believe all those lies???? There. I’ve done the heavy lifting for you.

              1. I do believe that I’ve touched a nerve, Bob. “Mind vomit!” Wow, Bob, that’s pretty inflammatory. You may want to take a couple of deep breaths and calm down before you give yourself a stroke.

  6. After reading this chain, I feel the best response to Dan S. is: “And whosoever shall not receive you, NOR HEAR YOU; going forth from thence, shake off the dust from your feet for a testimony to them.” Mark 6:11. In other words move on you have done your best it is up to God and the Holy Spirit to work his harden heart.

    1. Dan S,

      The people commenting on this thread do not represent everyone within the Catholic Church. What is going on in America right now is scary just as I’m sure it was scary in 1930’s Germany as the Nazis gathered more and more power to themselves. Hitler was adamantly against abortion. According to a 1988 analysis from the journal ,”Population and Development Review”, entitled “Abortion and Eugenics in Nazi Germany”, “Increasingly severe restrictions were placed on the availability of contraceptives and on access to legal abortion. During World War II special courts in Vichy France and Nazi Germany were authorized to impose the death penalty for the illegal termination of unwanted pregnancies, and carried out their mandate.”

      Hitler opposed abortion AND contraception. That would’ve been a no-brainer for Catholics like the hard, hard, hard-right Catholics posting here to support am I right or am I right? For one-issue Catholics who lack the ability to step back and see the bigger picture, Hitler would have been their man just like our almost former president is their guy now. They are not capable of projecting forward with their minds into the future to see that a dangerously out of control fascist like Trump, just like Hitler, will ultimately cost more lives than he saves by virtue of opposing abortion. What was the global death toll of World War II?

      I fear that the same people professing their undying allegiance to all things Trump here on this thread would have been more than happy to have been smashing windows on Kristallnacht because the Fuhrer, the defender of the unborn, gave the thumbs-up. Anything for the cause!

      Hitler was trying to recover Germany’s prestige in the wake of the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles. He was trying to make Germany great again. The people here on this thread would have been 100% on board with that. They’d have been wearing the red-hat equivalent of 1930’s Nazi Germany, a swastika arm-band.

      Where do these people draw the line? What would Trump have to do to cause them to question their support? What would Hitler have to have done given that he opposed abortion and birth control to lose their support?

      They’ve traded their faith in God for faith in a man named Donald J Trump. Let’s pray for them and the larger world and Church whom they threaten.

      1. Thank you, Randy Marsh, for speaking truth and summarizing the history of Nazi Germany’s views on birth control, abortion and eugenics. I’m going to copy your well written post for future reference.

        I am not Catholic (I’m Lutheran), but I’ve always had a spiritual connection to the Catholic Church. The St. Padre Pio Shrine in Berks County, Pennsylvania is only about 45 minutes from where I live and I have made numerous visits to the shrine over the years with my Catholic friends and neighbors.

        Six years ago on a business trip to Rome, I had the opportunity to visit St. Peter’s and the Vatican Museum, including the Sistine Chapel. It was an incredibly inspiring experience. I have the utmost respect and admiration for Pope Francis.

        All of that said, I completely agree with your comments about the hard right Catholics who post in this discussion forum. Their adoration of Trump by these people comes very close to worship and is reminiscent of the cult worship of Hitler in Nazi Germany.

        I’ve always wondered how a scientifically and culturally advanced nation like Germany, a Christian nation, the land of Beethoven and Goethe could devolve into the authoritarian nightmare of the Holocaust. Watching the Trump cult in this country for the past four years demonstrates how a demagogue, with a finely tuned message of division and hate, can lead an entire nation down a dark path of authoritarianism that can only lead to serious disaster. We dodged a bullet and saved our democracy with the election of Joe Biden, but I fear that the next 10 weeks are going to be marked by chaos and mayhem.

        1. Please! The conditions that saw the rise of Nazism in post-WWI Germany and Trump winning democratically, fair & square, in 2016 are nowhere near the same.

          Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. After the Nazis torched the Reichstag and “Chancellor” Hitler bullied the aging President Von Hindenburg into granting him the ‘Reichstag Fire Decree’ and further emergency powers through the ‘Enabling Act’, the Nazis had absolute and total power. Within 8 weeks Hitler’s henchman, Heinrich Himmler, had opened up Dachau concentration camp and the press had been suppressed and elections suspended.

          The USA in 2020? absolutely nothing in common with those conditions. 4 years after the Presidential Election (again, won fair & square by Trump) you still have a free and vibrant press, you had fairly contested mid-terms 2 years ago and a recently contested presidential
          Election. Not. Even. Remotely. Similar.

        2. Hey, Dan, you keep saying you were going to leave and then keep coming back. What gives? Also, just curious – you are not Catholic but get so agitated on behalf of your perceived view of what Catholicism is. I have no desire to get into a back and forth with you (and I will not respond unless your comment is constructive), but since you seem interested, please do a deep dive into the life of Padre Pio, and study his words to get to the heart of what Catholicism is. He’s a fascinating saint. I would guess he’s very interested in you as well.

      2. So… Catholics are Nazis?

        I have been utterly amazed that the party of “unity” is SO quick to vilify those who disagree with them.

        1. Hand to forehead. Smh. Wtheck? Wtfudge? Lol. Lmao. What’s the frequency, Kenneth? All your base are belong to us. Puts the lotion in the basket.

          You Trumpies make no sense. It’s literally like trying to have a conversation with the schizophrenic guy a few blocks over who paces angrily around the busy intersection by the record store blasting old school 80’s rap from an oversized boom box on his shoulder and wearing a rainbow afro wig, a tutu, and tie-dye leotards holding a sign that says, “5G killed X. They’re coming for U!”, while screaming about “the farthing”, whatever that is. He’s really worked up about the farthing. And 5G. Maybe he’s onto something?

          Like you guys, he makes absolutely no sense. But he’s way more entertaining and he’s harmless.

          You guys are sincerely bonkers. And scary dangerous. How long before you guys get violent? Y’all make a good argument for mental illness assessments before being granted access to firearms.

          And btw, y’all realize you’re Trumpies, and not so much Catholics, right? I mean, that’s clear to you all, right? Trump first, Catholic somewhere pretty far after that. Y’all have put on the Nikes and gotten branded with the Keith Raniere tattoo.

  7. Hey, Randy Marsh, the Biden Administration’s upcoming national lockdown will be great for Tegridy Farms. You should have a very profitable upcoming four years. Kudos!

    1. I know! FIVE more, count ’em, FIVE more states approved MJ in the 2020 elections. And most of those states were red as Donald Trump’s face when he found out Fox called Arizona for him on election night. I’m thinking of expanding out of Colorado and making a push into MAGA country. I gots my growers working on a new hybrid to push on the Trump crowd. I’m thinking of calling it “DJT-2024”. Ya? Too soon? How ’bout “Q-Brew”? “Fox Sucks”?Just spit ballin’. I’m open to ideas.

        1. Oooo. That’s pretty good!! “Slow Joe”? “Rocket Man” (a nod to MAGA’s favorite bromance)? “Smokin’ Gun” (y’know, Hunter Biden?)?

          Let’s all unify around weed! Red states, blue states, everyone loves weed. I can supply it all of them. Since we Catholics can’t get come together around our politics, maybe we can get around mary jane. You in? Let’s all have a giant OMM bake-a-thon. OMM can host it there at her house. Invite her social circles and all of us. Get lit, hug each other, cry, tell stories. A big beautiful purple party.

  8. Edgar Maddison Welch

    WWG1WGA!!!! Did you see the latest drop? Pennsylvania gonna flip any hour. They caught Philly voting officers on video changing postmarks. Yes!!! And they have Biden on a call intercepted by Russian intelligence directing the entire operation. Trump second term!! Federal marshals being dispatched to arrest deep state accomplices. #toldyouso #corruptdems #donaldtrumpisoursavior #cometpingpongpizza #pizzagate

  9. The satanist cabal of democrat pedophiles is trying to steal this election and make all of us into godless socialist slaves. If Biden and his phony henchmen succeed in stealing this election with illegal Dominion votes, we’re all going to have to sign the deeds to our homes and the titles to our cars over to the Disunited States of Socialist AOC. All that demotards want to do is enslave us all and turn children into sex slaves that they can later eat because they’re all cannibals who worship the demon goat-god baal. They have secret baal temples beneath all of the big blue cities run by democorrupt politicians. They get their funding from Soros and Jeff Bezos. And NEVER buy anything from Amazon. All of their profit pays for buying off elections and paying for human trafficking mules to export children across the border to be sold into bondage in Chinese Communist factories making iPhones. Speaking of Apple, if you own any of their products, you should get a hammer and smash them to bits because that’s how Soros and Bezos are able to monitor you and record your every conversation so they can blackmail you later. If you don’t become socialist they will send the recordings of all your private moments to anyone and everyone. And if that isn’t enough to make you socialist, they’ll track you down and eat you because all democrats are cannibals at heart. We all know it. Don’t get eaten. Stay off your iPhones and don’t buy anything from Amazon. Pure evil. Amazon makes donations to Pope Francis so he can kill the real church. That’s how Pope Francis has been able to destroy the church. Well, that and by working with ISIS. They are locked together in the struggle to topple everything that God loves. Oh mercy. The only way to survive is by smashing your iphones and refusing to buy Amazon or anything else online. It’s all run by lib-conquerors. Where is SIlicon Valley? Yep. California. Land of socialism, free money, and the bluest place on earth. Theyre more socialist than chinese communists. Make sure you check the labels on all your products before you buy them to make sure they didn’t come from California. Buy Chinese before you buy California. If you buy anything for California, you might as well be donating to George Soros.

  10. Marjorie, the good guys will win. Just wait and see. And you’re right, Amazon and Apple are pure evil. They’re in on it. I smashed my iPhone a long time ago and now only communicate in person or on secure land lines.

    Before President Trump starts his second term, the perpetrators are getting arrested and will be tried as the traitors they are. The FISA warrants have already been issued. Just waiting for the correct moment between now and Jan 20. This is the moment good guys everywhere have been waiting for. Stand back and stand by!!!! So exciting that it’s finally going to happen. Donald J Trump and his family have saved the world and the church. Praise be!

  11. The REAL Eric Trump, VP Development and Corruption, Trump Organization

    This just in folks. Have obtained notarized, certified, verified, real video of secret Democrat ballot-burning ceremony in one of their hidden demon lairs beneath the city of Manitou Springs, Colorado. Local conservative news reporter Flip Zimmerman has all the details. Dad says ELECTION IS OVERTURNED! The steal is off, folks!

    1. Jerry Mandy Wring (I loveTrump because Trump loves me)

      Globalist Dems are using Biden. . .
      . . .the same way they used Robert Mueller.
      Using a famous 20th Century name & face. . .
      . . . to hide their radical Anti-American agenda.
      Leftists want senile puppets to read their script.
      Funny that AOC isn’t concerned with helping her OWN district.
      The left don’t even pretend to do their jobs now, I wonder if lobbyists can just make the checks out to their name, instead of funneling it now!
      As long as the (D) is next to the name, they’d elect a flaming bag of poop, and in AOC’s case, they did.
      not to mention, the guy who never made it past a primary in his 47 years and running 3 times for president, who would have been primaried out by bernie this time around if elizabeth warren would have dropped out, is now the most popular president in the history of america. laugh out loud.
      DemonRats continually set up black/minority communities to take the fall just to keep them on that plantation with no hope, no future, no education, and such limited opportunities outside of cartels/drug dealing that those poor people are worse off in American inner cities than in third world s___holes.
      Jig….the jig is up….
      To all who remember the movie “The Manchurian Candidate”, we now have a real-life “Beijing” Candidate attempting to destroy the US as founded and institute Communist/Socialist hegemony slavery over our country by a known Chinese marionettes, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the DNC.
      Time to gear up and separate those from whom love this country as founded and those who just follow orders from the likes of Himmel, Goebbels, Stalin, Mao.
      Following orders at Nuremberg didn’t work out so well for the followers, make sure it does likewise here.
      Don’t buy Amazon stuff. It’s made by human trafficked people. The demtards put them there.
      Difference between POTUS Trump with his keen intellect and superb instincts, and senile, corrupt, greedy, China-owned Joe Biden could not be larger! An ocean of difference between their abilities.
      China Joe won’t last six months as POTUS!Difference between POTUS Trump with his keen intellect and superb instincts, and senile, corrupt, greedy, China-owned Joe Biden could not be larger! An ocean of difference between their abilities.
      Everybody must smash their iPhones. I’m serial. Do it. Do it now. Before it’s too late.
      And wrap the inside of your kitchen in aluminum foil. Trust me. They’re picking up on your transmissions and they use that for gathering data. How do you think they stole the vote. Seeeee??

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