Crazy? Angry? You decide and I couldn’t care less!

Should’ve Stuck with Baby Yoda

So many things annoy me lately it’s hard to pick just one, but this one really popped out at me this week. Yes, there’s “the report” and I’ll probably get to that, but I’m going hit this one today.

CNA Staff, Nov 17, 2020 / 01:40 pm MT (CNA).- The president of the U.S. bishops’ conference has announced the creation of a bishops’ working group to prepare for a Biden presidency.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t remember the USCCB having to create a working group to deal with Trump. Now that Biden’s supposedly elected, they’re forming this group to deal with him? Maybe they should have thought about that, oh, say, before the election, so they wouldn’t have to play catch-up now. Oh, sorry. They were a little too busy being obnoxious to priests and bishops who were actually doing their jobs. 

Archbishop Jose Gomez told bishops Tuesday that a future President Biden, as a Catholic, would present unique challenges for the Church in the United States, especially regarding Biden policy positions at odds with Catholic doctrine.

And the award for understatement of the year goes to… 

It’s not really a “unique challenge”, it has actually been seen time and time again. Somebody missed a history class or two.

“For only the second time, we are anticipating a transition to a president who professes the Catholic faith. This presents certain opportunities but also certain challenges,” Gomez said at the close of the USCCB Fall General Assembly on Nov. 17.

Please, oh please, tell us what the opportunities are? The use of “challenge” is already getting annoying. I mean, it’s like saying Christ dying on the Cross was “challenge.” The martyrs of the early church just had to deal with “challenges.” Archbishop Still Not Named Cardinal Gomez is just doing what he does: downplaying everything the Church is and is about to go through. I really don’t know him personally, but from what I have seen, his unwillingness to do anything bold is not what we need in our bishops right now. Since he’s arrived in California, he has never wanted to rock the boat. I don’t necessarily think he is a bad guy. I do think him ill-equipped to get the Church off life support, though. He just doesn’t have the will. Leading from behind ain’t gonna cut it here.

The archbishop said the bishops face “a unique moment in the history of the Church in this country.”

“The president-elect has given us reason to believe that his faith commitments will move him to support some good policies. This includes policies of immigration reform, refugees and the poor, and against racism, the death penalty, and climate change.”

Joe Biden is against racism? Since when? He’s done nothing but stoke the flames of it his entire tenure in public life. As for the rest, I’ll put Trump’s policies (save the death penalty) up against Biden’s any day. But you’re about tell us why Catholics never ever should have voted for him, yet you couldn’t quite get that out of your mouth before the election?

“He has also given us reason to believe that he will support policies that are against some fundamental values that we hold dear as Catholics. These policies include: the repeal of the Hyde Amendment and the preservation of Roe vs. Wade. Both of these policies undermine our preeminent priority of the elimination of abortion,” said Gomez.

Oh, if that were only it. Nice short list, but not even close to the horrific things he’s promised to take on.

Biden, a former two-term vice-president under Barack Obama and a career senator, maintained a position on abortion regarded by Democrats as moderate for most of his political career. Biden supported the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal tax dollars from funding abortions, while also supporting the premise of legal abortion.

Can we talk about the Hyde Amendment for a moment? It’s supposed to have been this grand check on abortions. It wasn’t, it was a shell game. Let me explain fungible and non-fungible money to you. The government money we gave was non-fungible money. It could not be moved to the abortion fund. However, and this is kind of a big one, other monies in the non-abortion funds are fungible and can be moved. So, when the non-fungible government monies come in to, say, the STD testing fund, Planned Parenthood was able to move the fungible money out of the STD testing fund to cover abortion costs. It’s as if you said something like “My husband said I couldn’t give money to Jane, so I gave it to Mary, who took her money and lent it to Jane.” Is your mind blown yet? Bottom line, we need a total ban on government money to Planned Parenthood for anything if we truly want to help. I’m sure that Hyde had good intentions, but as usual, Planned Parenthood figured out how to play the game.

But during the 2019 Democratic primary campaign, Biden dropped his long-held positions on abortion and called for the codification of Roe v. Wade in federal law, which would essentially preclude any state limitations on abortion at any point in pregnancy.

His stance, especially on partial-birth abortion, changed long before that:

Gomez also told the bishops that Biden has signaled his support for “the restoration of the HHS mandate, the passage of the Equality Act, and the unequal treatment of Catholic schools.”

The HHS contraceptive mandate, initiated under the Obama Administration, required employers to supply coverage for contraception, including abortifacient drugs and sterilizations, under their healthcare plans. Only narrow exemptions were granted for religious groups and conscientiously objecting employers, resulting in a series of legal battles for groups including Catholic universities and the Little Sisters of the Poor.

And Archbishop Gomez just realized this?!?!

The Trump Administration broadened religious freedom and conscience protections in the policy, but Biden has committed to reversing those protections.

The Equality Act, which stalled during the last legislative session, would add anti-discrimination protections for sexual orientation and gender identity to existing protections for race, color, national origin, sex, disability and religion. It has been consistently opposed by the U.S. bishops, who have warned it could be used to compel Catholic schools and institutions to, for example, grant males access to female bathrooms and changing facilities.

“These policies pose a serious threat to the common good, whenever any politician supports them. We have long opposed these policies strongly, and we will continue to do so.”

“But when politicians who profess the Catholic faith support them, there are additional problems. Among other things, it creates confusion among the faithful about what the Church actually teaches on these questions.”

Still, many of you condemned the priests and bishops who pointed out these things. “We can’t possibly tell people who to vote for!” which, of course, they weren’t. They were teaching their flocks how to vote.

Biden made his Catholic faith a centerpiece of his election campaign, releasing several videos in which he discussed his religion. Biden also quoted Pope Francis during the closing days of the campaign, despite the pope’s frequent and absolute condemnation of abortion.

Anyone ever read Mein Kampf? Hitler talked about his faith almost 20 times. So?

“This is a difficult and complex situation,” Gomez told the bishops. “In order to help us to navigate it, [the conference] will appoint a working group, chaired by Archbishop Vigneron and consisting of the chairmen of the committees responsible for the policy areas at stake, as well as the committee on doctrine and communications.”

Not a job I would want. If Biden is inaugurated on January 20th, the Catholic Church in the United States is in far deeper trouble than it is now. This is going to do nothing. If Kamala is elevated, as we all assume inevitable, she won’t even remotely try to keep up pretenses. What are you then going to do next election? Tell us you can’t tell us who to vote for again?

Gomez also noted that, although Biden’s public Catholicism and opposition to core Catholic priorities and values was a unique problem for the bishops, a committee like to the one he was creating is not completely novel.

The creation and work of the committee “follows the precedent of four years ago, when Cardinal DiNardo – then president of the conference – similarly faced a transition to a new administration threatening grave and imminent harm on critical issues,” Gomez said.

“Then as now, committees already existed to address those issues, and the goal was to emphasize our priorities and enhance collaboration.”

You cannot even compare the two administrations. Please, again, tell us all these grave issues? You thwart your own use of “preeminent”, Archbishop.

The U.S. bishops’ conference issued Nov. 7 a statement congratulating Biden and running mate Kamala Harris on their projected victory in the presidential election. The statement prompted pushback from Catholics who said it was issued prematurely, given that the Trump campaign has filed numerous legal challenges to election results, and by those who said the statement did not challenge Biden on his policies in support of legal protection and federal funding for abortion.

Darn right there was pushback. I just hope they felt it.

On Monday, Gomez said the congratulations was pro forma for the bishops’ conference; his remarks Tuesday indicated a shift in rhetoric from the conference.

This is a contested election, and your pro forma congratulations pretty much ignored the millions of babies who will be killed if Biden is elected. Just face it, you compromised them.

Gomez said additional details regarding the working group would be released shortly after the conclusion of the bishops’ meeting, which adjourned into executive session shortly after the archbishop concluded his remarks.

Can’t wait. Sigh.

47 thoughts on “Should’ve Stuck with Baby Yoda”

  1. I have to put off finishing this article because Gomez’s response is making my blood pressure rise. I will need a drink and something to bite on to keep from calling our church leadership COWARDS for not point that out that Biden’s position Is opposite church teachings on SO MANY inherently evil issues. Errrrrrrr

  2. I really want to vomit when I hear and read such comments from bishops about a candidate that is thoroughly opposed to vital teachings of the Church when they could have issued very strong comments condemning a candidate’s, especially Catholic candidates support of abortion, homosexual unions, etc. Bishops will wonder why the faithful do not have much confidence in the Church’s hierarchy while spewing out this crap. Are they afraid of losing their tax exemption for talking politics? It didn’t stop them criticizing Trump when they felt the need to, but with Biden? Ohhhh no…can’t say a word about him might be financially detrimental and all that rot. So suck it up Bishops and take responsibility for the the unborn children who will be executed for the sins of the parents and for the persecution of the Church sure to come if Biden/Harris win this election. You knew for the last four years that Trump respected unborn life and religious freedom yet you were squishy about him. Oh yes! We now have a Catholic President. So what. Catholics sin big time too.

    Catholic Biden is a loose cannon that the bishops should have put the kibosh on a long time ago. More than one bishop is in cahoots with the liberals but that is general knowledge and not very secret is it hence the “challenges” they pretend to be facing and pretending to be gearing up to fight. Those are not challenges. They are catastrophes for the Catholic Church in America and they know it.

    Bishops were afraid to condemn the voting for candidates of Bidens ilk and now they have to navigate these troubled waters and times? With all due respect I’m sorry Bishop but save the clap trap and file it with the McCarrick report. It’s too little and possibly too late. Many of us do not believe much of what the USCCB issues in terms of statements anymore. Time to dissolve all those committees and go back to teaching the faithful the true faith as your primary job. We as pew sitters have been fighting these voting inconsistencies in candidates for a long time since as Bishop Barron told us, it is our job to fight on the secular level of society. Well we have. But it is the bishops who have dropped the ball…again.

  3. They seem to totally overlook the allegations of Biden and his family making back door deals with the Chinese for money as well as Russia. And Biden’s participation in illegally spying on the Trump campaign! We’ve seen him inappropriately touching young girls and saying very racist comments. He’s a globalist who supports the elites who want one global power, not separate nations and who are exercising control over the world’s population already… and which want nothing to do with God or the church! Pope Francis is on board with this globalization and I’m done pretending that he hasn’t been corrupted by power!

  4. For decades I have been calling the Catholic bishops “pro-life Socialists.” Which of the two terms has a stronger hold on them? They are utopians, with a Rodney King mentality: “Can’t we all just get along?” Well, we can’t. And they will trade years of grief under the boot of totalitarians for five minutes of their favor.

  5. If they actually gave a crap about Joe Biden, they have had almost 50 years to confront him about the effect his policies and personal behavior might have on his eternal soul. Now they’re worried about the effect his policies will have on their positions in the USCCB. They might be forced to finally confront him! Oh no! Their cushy and prestigious existences might become exceedingly uncomfortable.

    It’s too late. I think they are just starting to realize that.

    1. What is your real question? Is it do “you all” think that the death penalty and abortion are in the same class of issues? Is it do “you all” think the death penalty is permissible in general? Etc.

      1. Is life sacrosanct no matter what? A child conceived of a violent rape vs a rapist who commits a murder? Life is life isn’t it? How can Trump support the unborn yet kill those who have sinned. We’ve all sinned. You yourself have admitted you’ve sinned.

        1. Many who are for the death penalty AND against the death penalty do not put the innocent child in the womb in the same category as a murderer or rapist, or at least they shouldn’t, so you can probably take that example out of the equation. I mean, do you hold the child in the womb responsible for how it was conceived? That would be absurd. Do you hold the murderer or rapist responsible for their acts? You should. The Church uses the term inviolable and it doesn’t apply to the guilty so the comparison isn’t equal. Go back and look at the two questions. They would be better.

        2. Inane response. Using that logic, all Catholics must be pacifists because it would be a sin for a solider to kill another soldier.

    2. Yes, as a matter of fact, I am fine with these executions. Pope Francis’s ostensible change in the Church’s teaching on the death penalty was a head fake. No Pope as the authority to overturn 2000 year old Church teaching by fiat. The three people scheduled to be executed each undoubtedly murdered at least one innocent person at least a decade ago and, since then, have received excellent, free legal representation. I hope they make sincere confessions so they don’t go to Hell. Then…hang ’em high.

  6. So you can pick and choose what part of the Catholic doctrine you follow? The church is against the death penalty. Are you? How do you explain the dichotomy of the Trump Administration? I explain it this way. He knows that people will vote for him for his pro life stance. (He really doesn’t give a damn). He also knows that people don’t really care about all lives, because they can live with the death penalty.

    1. You’d have to understand what is and what is not doctrine. The death penalty doesn’t fall under doctrine (and no pope has said it does) because doctrine cannot change. You’ve read the blog long enough to know this.

      1. One Mad Mom…I think perhaps the Church’s teaching on the death penalty has NOT changed. Pope Francis does not have the authority to change any teaching by fiat, which, I’ve read, is why he used the word “inadmissible” to describe the death penalty: because it has no canonical meaning.

    1. First this has zero to do with my likes or dislikes. Second, I don’t have to make excuses for the Trump administration. Third, for my own personal reason, I am not for the death penalty but I do not try to paint it as doctrine because of my prudential judgment in the area. Surprise! I think I’ve commented on that before but you must have missed it. Don’t get info on Catholicism from a non-Catholic site. The Catechism, while containing doctrine is not an infallible document. So, again, maybe don’t comment on what you don’t know?

    2. These people should rot in jail if not be given their due justice:

      “Hall was convicted of kidnapping resulting in death after he and others abducted, raped and buried a 16-year-old alive in 1994. Bernard, along with accomplices, murdered two youth ministers in 1999, the DOJ said. One of his accomplices Christopher Vialva was executed in September.

      Montgomery, who would become the first woman executed in almost 70 years had been convicted in kidnapping resulting in death in 2007 after strangling a pregnant woman and abducting the unborn child.”

      As Christians we are allowed to stop evil! You chose killing babies over justice for criminals. Read your Bible! There are children of God and children of the devil. These are the latter!

    1. OK, let’s try it this way. Please tell me what meets the threshold of doctrine in regards to the death penalty. You can keep repeating the same info again and again but you’re failing to show that it is doctrine or a preeminent issue. The only one twisting is you.

    2. The church has always taught that the state has the right to impose the death penalty
      If it is commensurate with the crime and justly applied. This is a Prudential judgement. Catholics are free to impose or abolish the death penalty if they do desire. What they can’t do is say that the church opposes the death penalty. The Old Testament, the New Testament
      All the fathers and doctors of the church, St. Paul St Augustine st Thomas Aquinas all defended the states use of the death penalty when justified. Pope Soros the First cannot
      Change this only Christ can. And so far he hasn’t. For more information consult Edward Feser’s recent book on the death penalty. You might find it edifying

      1. I agree Stephen. Pope Francis may have given his thoughts, opinions and/or restrictions on the use of death penalty, however he never said that the state does not have the right to apply the death penalty. He can’t without going against the Church’s teachings. He is not above the teachings anymore than us pew sitters. St. Paul explained in his writings that the state has certain rights that are needed for a good and orderly society and for the protection of it’s citizens through state imposed laws. The death penalty is one of those rights.

        There is always the issue of whether pro-life means respect for all lives. Yes it does, however, an individual can forfeit his own life destroy his own dignity as a human being through evil actions against another and the breaking of state law for which there are certain punishments for certain crimes.There always those who try to argue against this by trying to compare an innocent child who has not done anything against anyone except wanting to live and a murderer who willfully took the life of another knowing of the punishments for said crime with some committing murder more than once.

        I will place my faith in the Church’s perennial teaching on the states right to exact the death penalty over the those who will take the life of a child while defending a murderer. There is something very wrong with that thought process I’m afraid and it has nothing to do on whether you are pro-life or not. Promise me that someone who commits 1st degree murder will be in prison for life and not be released then I might support an initiative to rescind the death penalty. Until then. No way. I will stand with the Church.

        It baffles me how one who supports executing a child but will defend a murderer from the gallows. It is not the implementation of the law that destroys a man’s human dignity. It is destroyed by the willful, heinous actions of the man himself in committing the act of murder of another human being.

        1. By the way, the death penalty is a punishment for murder. If it deters someone else from committing a murder all the better. But it is still a punishment.

  7. That Deplorable Catherine

    It would be simply wonderful if someone, anyone, could pound it into the USCCB’s heads that the #1 thing they should be devoting their time and attention to is preaching Catholic truth, and the salvation of souls. We are now in the 3rd generation of Catholics who have not been taught the Catholic faith in all of its beauty and profundity and truth.
    The above article is well thought out and well written, but one could connect some dots: the US bishops were all too quick to shut down the Catholic churches and schools, but are falling all over themselves about getting positioned to feed out of that almighty federal dollar feedbox for their social justice programs. I guess they figure the laity can educate/fend for themselves and save their own souls with very inferior catechesis and lack of access to the Mass and the sacraments.

  8. That’s not the point. The point is the hypocrisy about the sacredness of life. Again, you can justify your vote for Trump because he “opposes” abortion, yet the death penalty is ok and lack of any personal morals is just fine.

    1. Sometimes people argue for Satan while pretending they are Christians… seems they’re all coming out in the open lately! I would ignore “Teach Acceptance” because she is arguing the side of evil. She didn’t come here to change her mind! Just to argue for accepting sin and confusion! Be gone Satan!!

    2. I’ve addressed every single point you’ve made! At least give me the courtesy of doing the same and stop with the roulette wheel of points and stick to one. You still haven’t bothered to understand the Church teaching on the issue but yet you will continue to compare apples and oranges.

    3. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you say a while back that you were done contributing to this site?

  9. Hi, TA, I just can’t shake the feeling you’re looking for something in all the challenging you do on this blog. What is it? It takes a lot of time on your part. There can’t be a lot of satisfaction in the constant sparring.

    On the death penalty argument, something always holds me back from embracing a complete anti-capital punishment stance. I truly don’t believe it serves as a deterrent and has not for a long time. If someone did something horrific to someone I loved I would be one of those people who struggle with forgiveness, even though I know in my mind that that is what would set me free from bitterness. I know that about myself. When I have seen video of some of the M-13 gang members in the Long Island area laughing about chopping up teenagers with machetes, I want them to die. Feel free to judge me on that one. I’m being honest. I may be very wrong in my thinking on this. I will conceded that.

    But here is what holds me back, for what it’s worth. Numerous anecdotal stories of stone cold killers who, faced with the sudden end of their lives, seek sudden repentance for their actions, less from remorse than from fear of the afterlife. If they had died in their sleep after decades in prison, that moment would not have been there for them to make a choice. It seems harsh I know, but I believe many killers may have lost their lives, but saved their souls, thanks to a state-mandated deadline. I think you would find this story very interesting:

  10. That Deplorable Catherine

    Further to my above article and my previous comment, I believe that the state of the world, the church, the souls of Catholic clergy, religious and laity is such that the only recourse we now have is to fall on our knees, beg God’s forgiveness for our own sins and crimes first, and then for those of the bishops, priests, etc. and sincerely repent. Prayer, repentance and conversion offered for both ourselves and for the members of the USCCB are our only hope at this point.
    These days, and bearing in mind such matters as the worldliness and corruption of so many clergy and religious (not to mention the laity!), I believe it to be incumbent upon each of us personally to take the path of the deepest repentance and conversion on a voluntary basis. Lest by our nonstop finger-pointing, and blame-gaming, and ultimate inaction in this supremely important matter, we finally force the hand of God to undertake to force us onto that road to repentance and conversion.

  11. That Deplorable Catherine

    Whenever I read articles deploring the state of worldliness and corruption in far too many clergy and/or religious (not to mention the dire and utter state of the laity!), I am reminded of a quote from Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov:
    “There is only one salvation for you: take yourself up, and make yourself responsible for all the sins of men. For indeed it is so, my friend, and the moment you make yourself sincerely responsible for everything and everyone, you will see at once that it is really so, that it is you who are guilting on behalf of all and for all. Whereas by shifting your own laziness and powerlessness onto others, you will end by sharing in Satan’s pride and murmuring against God.”

  12. Why don’t you all get off your knees in prayer, stop the fasting and actually do something to make the world a better place. Pretty sure there are people in your communities that could use the help. Words don’t solve anything. Action does.

    Louise, you asked why I come on this site. It’s because I have hope that some of you will open your hearts to those that are less fortunate than you. I hope you actually stop sinning instead of saying, Yes, I sin but then I ask for forgiveness. That’s such an easy out.

    1. Wow, Teach, I’m so disappointed in you. I thought there was something deeper in you but I was wrong. I thought you were here for a dialogue. I could discuss moral dilemmas/viewpoints all day because human nature is fascinating. You seem to just enjoy being superior and judging us. You didn’t even read what I wrote. Lesson learned on my part. Congrats – you win, I guess.

  13. Louise, I did read what you wrote. You said you understood the death penalty. To me, that goes against the church’s teaching. I guess we can all interpret what Jesus taught us. I’m not judging you, I’m pointing out the inconsistencies.

    1. This is the last I’ll say on this. I responded openly about WHY I am conflicted about the death penalty, not that I “understand it”. It pains me. You swoop in and read responses looking for a way to present your preconceived notions about Catholics trying so very hard to practice their faith in confusing times. You are here to judge and the pathetic thing is that you can’t help yourself. Coming to the blog just to dunk on people is very unhealthy.

      Like I have already said, I am more than happy to dialogue – it helps me sharpen why I believe the way I do. I appreciate it and enjoy it. But you’re not here for that so it’s just a waste of time. It’s a shame really.

      1. Louise, you are not here to have an open discussion. You are here to criticize anyone who disagrees with your views. You have made judgments of my comments all while saying I judge you. I’m not dunking on people. I’m presenting my views. If you feel dunked on, quit reading blogs that support views that many of us don’t have. If you are happy to dialogue, then you should appreciate opposing views.

        1. This is just what the Communist/Marxists want — fighting between everyone. Why don’t we stop the arguing and TA why don’t you stop challenging everything that you don’t like. This isn’t your blog and you owe more respect to OMM as a guest here.

        2. Um, no. That would be you. You asked a question, I engaged you in coversation trying to clarify what you are actually trying to get to and you just follow the typical liberal scattergun approach of switching subjects at lightning speed. We’ve give you Church teaching. You continue to tell us we’re not following it yet and, shocker, you’re not Catholic and, from what I remember, not Christian? You have NEVER in, oh 5 years wanted dialogue. You want to tell us your thoughts, that we are wrong and then try to explain our faith to us. As I said, disingeniuous. And “quit reading blogs that support views that many of us don’t have”… Take your own advice and, maybe, stop lecturing Catholics on Catholicism.

          1. I’m not sure why Louise and you don’t consider this dialogue. It’s a back and forth exchange. No, we don’t agree but I’m expressing my views, as you are. OMM, I am Catholic. Sadly, I committed a mortal sin by pursuing IVF. While I could ask for forgiveness, as you say every sinner can, I refuse to, I’m not sorry I did IVF and telling a priest that I was, would be a bigger sin, in my eyes.

        3. TA, your response does not even make sense. Your motivations here are a complete mystery to me. I won’t be engaging you anymore, but you’ll be in my prayers, whether you like it or not. If reason and logic can’t persuade you, maybe prayer can. Watch out, TA, a change of heart may be coming your way!!!!

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