Crazy? Angry? You decide and I couldn’t care less!

On France: We Should've Followed the Lead of Pope St. Pius V

Our hearts are broken. A country that was once considered one of the most Catholic countries in the world has been overrun by Islam and attacked by jihadists. Can we just forget about climate change now? Get your heads out of the sand (I’m talking to you, liberal Catholics!) and realize that there are FAR more important things in our world. We can sit and worry about the weather, or we can worry about what’s really going to affect our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
You see, Islamists have long known what liberal Catholics have forgotten. We were supposed to be an army of God, and we were supposed to be raising an army of God. However, we’ve pretty much birth-controlled that out of our population in the last century. We’ve become narcissistic, we’ve become secular, and we’ve certainly given up on raising up an army. Children are now just here to give us pleasure. If they don’t give us pleasure, we don’t want them. Islamists know what God told his people all along. God-fearing children are arrows in our quivers, but Islamists know we’ve given up all our ammo – no faith, no family, and the Rosary has become an antiquity of the past rather than a weapon against our foes. They’re striking us now because they think we are weak. They are completely right. So, while the liberal Catholics continue to push for climate control measures, false mercy, and gay marriage, Islamists laugh at us and plan their revenge for Lepanto. Is it any wonder why we’re seeing this? While they promote their false teachings as truth, our liberal religious and priests are promoting truth as mutable.
Don’t believe me, Cardinal Kasper, Thomas Reese, Father Rosica, Father Martin, Joan Chittister, Archbishop Cupich, and all of you other heterodox religious and clergy? Watch this video: The woman toward the end is totally right.  While they’re building an army for their false God, liberal Catholics are celebrating our unencumbered lives and how great that is for the environment. You tout that the “majority” of Catholics don’t follow Church teachings, as if this is a reason they should be changed. God gave us a roadmap for the spreading of his people. “Gen 1:28 And God pronounced his blessing on them, Increase and multiply and fill the earth, and make it yours; take command of the fishes in the sea, and all that flies through the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.” You kind of forgot about that when you were plugging “civil unions”, women priests, gun control, climate control, and Communion for the divorced and remarried. Talk about misplaced priorities! Congratulations, you’ve aided and abetted these jihadis. Try picking up a history books. ISIS did.
While you liberal Catholic “leaders” are pushing for climate control, women priests and gay marriage; while you are advocating for Communion for the divorced, gun control; while your ilk floats this “coexist” mantra only hours before the Paris attacks:
the jihadists are salivating, because they know it means our death, both physically and spiritually.
One more thing: you college kids around the country who are whining about words and thoughts that are counter to yours “invading your safe space,” you don’t have a clue what an unsafe space is. You are pampered, privileged, and haven’t a modicum of understanding about the reality of this world. How do I know this? Because you probably haven’t bothered to pray for the dead in France. Instead, you take the time to send out ridiculous tweets like this:
What you deserve is to have some sense knocked into you. Again to all of you liberal religious and clergy out there who are promoting a false view of mercy and reality and encouraging the use of situation ethics, you’re created an entitled society like this.  You’ve already swayed a whole generation who are cooperating with you about the next one. What comes next is all on you.
Our Lady of Lepanto, Our Lady of Victory, Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

0 thoughts on “On France: We Should've Followed the Lead of Pope St. Pius V”

  1. Our own political correctness that is front and center due to progressives both inside and outside of the media has caused this. Not to mention the blame that is applied both INSIDE and outside of the Church of Christ. Lord have mercy on us, and please knock some sense into some of our poor naive narcissistic youth.

  2. Through these and similar events (which though not willed by God are permitted by Him) God is in effect saying to the West, “Tired of Christianity are you? Here, have some Islam!” There is a spiritual vacuum into which an alien spirit and its devotees rush in their tens of thousands, ready as the most devout slaves of Allah always are to bring about Submission by violence.
    How then does it not make sense to demand of all Muslims formal rejection of Islam or expulsion? The policy of Ferdinand and Isabella makes perfect sense for all the West, just as it did for Spain in 1492— as harsh as it may seem to say so.
    The alternative will prove far harsher, I am afraid, for suicide bombings, the strafing of crowds, beheadings and lashes and the amputation of limbs and all the outworking of sharia is a very harsh business indeed. While we still hold power and have a majority let us impose this mild harshness on them before they impose the murderous “will of Allah” on our descendants

    1. You’ve already lost. You’re apologizing for your suggestion before you even implement it. Therein lies the problem. What the west needs is b@lls; big ones. And the Cross of Christ emblazened on every chest and burning in every heart. The Crusaders had all of that in opposition to the aggression of filthy islam. Do we?

      1. teaching tolerance

        Well, there is the problem and it is called hate, or as I am fond of, intolerance. I imagine they are calling you a “filthy” christian and so it goes on and on.

        1. “Tolerance” and political correctness is what got France into the mess their in. They allowed Sharia minded people to gain traction in their country for fear of being labeled great big meanies. You better stop and ask yourself why Islam is attracting many of the youth today. The answer is that they want to believe in something with a goal and not some wishy-washy, touchy-feely Christianity where you are the arbiter of what is right and wrong. They want clarity and Islam offers that. A totally and utterly false clarity but a plan none-the-less. So peddle the tolerance elsewhere.

  3. Reblogged this on The Contrite Catholic and commented:
    Truly, succinct articulation of some of issues that plague us. It isn’t a complete solution, but this failure, surely, is not helping us.
    “Get your heads out of the sand [I’m talking to you, liberal Catholics (read heretics)] and realize that there are FAR more important things in our world. We can sit and worry about the weather, or we can worry about what’s really going to affect our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

  4. When it looks hopeless, God will intervene and we will have the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and an Era of Peace! Pray, pray, pray many rosaries as Our Lady requested!

    1. Take a look around. The U.S. is a country in which 50 million unborn have been killed. Same sex “marriage” has been legalized and for the boy scouts “morally strait” now means having sodomites acting as role models. If God is planning to interfere I expect it won’t be before The U.S. like ancient Israel has its leadership lead away in chains and its people dragged off into slavery. After suffering for a couple of generations perhaps at that time the Virgin Mother might be able to intercede to abate God’s justified anger.

  5. Pingback: On France: We Should’ve Followed the Lead of Pope St. Pius V | One Mad Mom | Deaconjohn1987's Blog

  6. teaching tolerance

    So this is what you want for your children? I will continue to worry about climate change because it is incredibly short sighted not to.
    My take away from your post is that it is kill or be killed, all in the name of the particular god you believe in. I don’t believe that my God really believes that as he is the creator of all, including those that are part of ISIS. You want to raise an army. When you are born into a society that can’t support you then you can be easily manipulated to be a “soldier”. Consider that many who are part of ISIS have been manipulated by the founders (who created it for political/financial reasons). People who don’t have enough to eat, a place to live, etc are desperate and will find someone else to blame.

    1. You completely missed the author’s point and your touchy feely, felt banner, 70’s nonsense is old already (and it’s getting us killed).

        1. teaching tolerance

          Can you please articulate your point? If you are talking about how China limited children there are already 1.3 billion of them. Many are living in poverty and are starving. Do you think they should keep having children? The billionaire Chinese certainly aren’t helping out. Nigeria is the fastest growing Christian population. What are you all doing to feed those children?

          1. There is no child problem in China. There is an oppressive, communist government that leads to a myriad of problems. They are not suffering because they have God. They are suffering because they don’t. If you think forcibly aborting children and sterilizing women is the answer, you’re the reason the true “war on women(and children for that matter)” exists. Bravo!

    2. I agree. What incompetent parents raised such a narcissistic people as Dar and Donnie?
      Teaching tolerance: Have you given ANY thought to just why the “society can’t support you?” FIrst of all, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT SOCIETY, not the other way around. You will be able to practice the Catholic social justice teaching of subsidiarity only when YOU get a job and go out there and help the neighbor that you can see, not the one you pay the government to take care of. You have it totally backwards – which is why your ideology is such an absolute failure when put in to practice.

      1. Yes, again, the “what can you do for me?” and “I can’t possibly be made to feel uncomfortable” has led to this. “I don’t want to feel uncomfy to there’s no right and no wrong and you can’t make me feel bad about a thing.” Again, France has been there and done this already. We never seem to learn from anyone’s mistakes much less our own.

      2. teaching tolerance

        I do support my society. I volunteer two days a week in the Tenderloin working with the homeless and addicted. A society does not have infinite resources. If it keeps growing, it cannot support those that in it no matter how much it wants to.

            1. What resources are we running out of? Heck, we don’t even know about fossil fuels for sure. Sigh. Sad. I always find it funny that some people don’t realize that people die while others are being born. We’re not even close to the earth’s maximum load. We’re also about to see the death of the baby boomers. And then there’s those who are being killed at lightning speed by the ISIS and other radical (or, rather, orthodox) factions of Islam. Life is cyclical. yes, we have more people today than 200 years ago since we’ve been able to keep them alive 30-40 years longer. That, however, is not likely to extend much further. Regardless of all that, you’re advocating getting rid of people and their freedom as the cure. I cannot believe you’d really be giving kudos to China for anything.

        1. teaching tolerance

          What resources are we running out of? Water for one, food for another. Maybe not for you or me but certainly for those in other countries. Lifespan? Ours may be over 80 but a Nigerian’s is 52. Certainly better than nothing but still not great. Any thoughts on why a Nigerian’s life span is shorter than ours? What is the earth’s maximum load? And what is the science behind your answer? Are you okay with all the people who are starving in this world? It’s not just a matter of economics it’s a matter of resources.

          1. We are not running out of water!!!! Holy cow. Seriously? You live in California. What we have is a storage problem. If we had the proper storage which Governor Brown refuses to build (but he’ll build the train to nowhere) we wouldn’t have a problem now.
            Nigeria isn’t running out of room. Again, we have a distribution issues due to poor governments. It causes shorter lifespans AND a myriad of other problems. Do a little reading. They are not starving due to lack of food. They are starving due to gang lords. I recommend this site. Stephen Mosher and Ann Morse are experts in this area.

    3. Newsflash, we don’t live in China where it’s every man for the county and is devoid of God, where banning children is a way of life. My gosh, every thing that’s made them what they are is what WE are trying to prevent. Children aren’t the enemy, the curse or the problem. That’s done them wonders. Like I said, peddle the tolerance elsewhere.

          1. teaching tolerance

            Again, they are devoid of your God. Their beliefs are just as strong as yours. If you had been born to Chinese parents, you would have those beliefs, too, and unfortunately be intolerant of the God you have now.

      1. teaching tolerance

        I’m not talking about California. Take a gander:
        I just took a look at Stephen Mosher’s thoughts: Every man, woman, and child on earth could each have a half acre of arable land. Well that may be true but that would mean that we in the countries that actually have arable land would have to accept those from countries that don’t have arable land. Frankly since many of those people are of the Islamic faith I can’t see you accepting that.
        I’m interested in what you think the storage solution is for California. Can you elaborate on that?
        What are you doing to ease the pain of malnutrition for those in countries that don’t have arable land?

        1. You do realize the valley, the “Breadbasket of the US” was once considered unarable, right. Again and again and again. It’s government and infrastructure, not people, that is the problem. We don’t even need soil to grow food anymore.
          As far as storage goes…BIG HOLES IN THE GROUND would be a great start. Also, better water management. A huge chunk of the problem is that people like the Corps of Engineers that runs a lot of our water had protocols that were ridiculous. When it rained x amount of time they’d release water everyday even if it never rained again. 3 years they did that before they went “uh oh!” If you look at the reservoirs in California run by the Nevada Irrigation District, they had plenty of water.
          Lastly, I can tell you what I’m not doing…I’m not suggesting that they have limits placed on how many children they can have or deeming children the problem. That’s ridiculous.

        2. California used to get a lot of its electricity from hydroelectric power. That is, dams (water supply!) which released water generating electricity and watering crops downstream.
          No more dams. In fact, there is a movement to remove the dams for environmental concerns. As more people pour into the state, less water storage is available. Less water for drinking, less water for crops.

    4. Could your post contain more unsubstantiated cliches?
      Particulate air pollution has nothing to do with unsubstantiated climate change. Lots of people who don’t think climate change has been scientifically proven are fully on board with not throwing harmful particulates and poisonous gases into the atmosphere. Pretending otherwise does not make it true.
      Neither the leaders of the Islamic jihadist, nor the majority of the self radicalized Islamic terrorists are particularly economically destitute. This is so not the case of poor people being manipulated. These are true believers. Many have university degrees. They did not create ISIS out of political or financial motivations. They created ISIS out of a desire to bring about the final battle, Armageddon in Christian terminology, which will bring about the end times. Read their literature. They actually want the west to raise and army and fight them on the ground where they live. That is what they are attempting to provoke. They believe that in such a battle Jesus will appear and lead them to victory, after which God will reign over a world wide Caliphate. This is the belief of the ISIS leaders, not just their soldiers.
      Attempting to apply the erroneous theories and motivational paradigms of the secular mindset just results in flawed expectations. Saudi Arabia is economically prosperous, but in varying degrees its citizens support the broad ISIS worldview, even if not its particular actions. They look for no one to blame, at least not in the sense you mean. They do blame all non-Wahhabis for not embracing the tawhid after the verision they espouse, but that is based upon religious belief, not economic hardship.

        1. You’re the one who brings hate into this. I am intolerant of false religions and I am all for self preservation. Where does the hate lie? Because I’m not willing to let ISIS invade this country and kill or rape my children? yeah, mighty hateful. Whenever you start losing a debate, you always turn to “haters!” guess what, I don’t want them to kill you or your children either. I actually want them to convert but I’m not willing to let them cause the murder and mayhem they just caused in France. COLOR ME INTOLERANT! That word hardly scares me.

    1. If Catholics did not take up arms to repel the Muslim invaders of Europe centuries ago, you would be Muslim right now. It was blood shed by others that gave you your freedom.
      There are some groups/ideologies that cannot be “tolerated” by right thinking people. Are you tolerant of putting Jews to death in gas chambers? Why not?

          1. And? how does this show God was tolerant? Don’t you think it’s rather interesting that Abraham and Sarah’s lack of trust in God’s promise has led to a strife goes on today?

      1. teaching tolerance

        What would be wrong with being Muslim? That would be the belief system I was raised in. I would no more tolerate the gas chambers (btw, Hitler was Catholic initially) as I tolerate what is going on in the world today. However, I don’t think the answer is that one faith is better than another. I think if we respected each other’s beliefs the world would be better off. However, it all comes down to greed and we justify war through our “religious” beliefs.

        1. If you don’t believe one faith is better than another than you don’t believe in truth. You cannot have one religion saying one thing and one saying another and have them both be correct.
          I really just find this whole conversation a tad bit hypocritical. The people who just blew up France are Sharia believers. They want infidels(especially homosexuals) punished, killed and tortured. They have no respect for women. Like I’ve said, this is the area where Bill Maher makes a little sense.

          1. teaching tolerance

            How are their beliefs about homosexuals different than yours? How are their beliefs about women different than yours. You don’t think that homosexuals can marry or receive the sacrament of communion. You certainly don’t believe that women can be priests therefore they are subservient to men.

            1. Seriously? If you can’t figure out that we’re not OK with raping and beating women and throwing gay people off of roof, I think we’ve reached insanity. Women are not subservient to men. They are complimentary.

    1. You assume “climate change” as a scientific problem. I do not. Now, if you talk pollution, I would agree. So far none of the dire “scientific” models on global warming, global cooling have held up. The reason for that is that people have left the realm of true science for science fiction.
      One last thing that people seem to forget is that if we put the world emphasis back on God and away from selfishness, most of our problems in the pollution area would take care of themselves because people would embrace their tasks. Again, priorities. We cannot expect blessings to abound when we do things like kill thousands of children on a daily basis. When we clean up the majority of our spiritual mess, we can worry about other things that are not on the high priority end.

  7. PROVE IT! Geez. Thousands have “scientists” have tried and failed. Not one model has held up. In fact, why we no longer talk about global warming or cooling. The models of dire predictions have constantly failed. No, Virginia. Climate changes but there’s not proof as to why other than it does. You’re falling for the lies that line the pockets of men and oppress people and nothing more.

  8. C  O  E  X  I  S  T  E  N  C  E
    “COEXIST” the latest command
    of the “New World Order” band
    live and let live
    no need to forgive
    for there ain’t no sin
    each living their own spin
    Coexistence a cold and loveless word
    in a cold and loveless earth
    for they have declared God dead
    and worship themselves instead
    mankind in his selfish pride
    orchestrates the worldwide divide
    but LOVE will return as LOVE
    He begs us to throw in the glove
    to run away from the dragon
    to escape the devil’s paddy wagon
    to turn to the Eternal Light
    be our heart broken but contrite
    He will cleanse us thoroughly
    from all sin and iniquity
    we will live as brothers and sisters 
    no need to send us any twisters
    no more armies, no more wars
    no more enemies at our doors.
    be watchful, children, be on guard
    keep Me constant in your heart
    My return date you don’t know
    but Myself suddenly I will show
    in a new and peaceful Jerusalem
    a new birth in a new Bethlehem
    Rita Biesemans  November 18 2012

  9. OMM, we have to pray for the ignorant. The ignorant priest, ignorant nuns, ignorant leighty. May God guide them to God’s will and not there false god that they have created.

  10. No, we can’t forget about climate change. This is the problem with public policy. We react to immediate events, the news, and don’t worry enough about the long term. And is anyone ignoring terrorism? The governments of the world are devoting a lot of money and resources to terrorism.

    1. Actually, Scott, I was wondering if this one would turn out to bet fake. You know the interesting thing? People have jumped on the fake ones and are now tweeting similar things on real accounts that I’ve seen and are verified. So, in other words, the idiot students bought it and ran with it. Also, while I used the tweet I found in the news article, it changes little about the stupid, whiny college kids. If you look at the list in this article, some are active accounts. Look at the ones that don’t look like pics.

  11. As a student of history, I like your reference to Lapanto. Then, in the previous 700 years the Mohamadans had overrun North Africa and Asia Minor (Turkey) by the power of the sword. The only resistance was the failing Byzantine Empire. It took until they were assaulting the gates of Vienna, Austria before the West got its act together. Today, we need a new crusade. Team orthodox Catholics with the financial resources and those with military experience to put real “boots on the ground.” It was done before with the right mentality. Show the impotent American administration how it should be done! We had the Lincoln Brigade during the Spanish Civil War fighting fascism; but now we need a conservative emphasis. As a Vietnam veteran, if I was only 40 years younger, I’d show them a thing or two. Deacon Vince

  12. I was pondering it the other day and that’s pretty much what I came up with. We need an independent army that will be discriminating in who they target with the object to protect the innocent and stop the evil. Sigh.

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